View Full Version : Dodge viper feedback

Southern Stang
01-13-2011, 10:31 PM
Hey guys and gals,
I was doing a interior and exterior on a filthy suburban for a customer and ended up mentioning to the customer his paint was trashed on this vehicle. We talked some more about it and I offered to show him a buff sample, which he said yes. I taped off the front panel so I was able to show him what a 1 step with d-151 would look like then on the other side be able to show him what a 3 step looked like. He was so thrilled with what both looked like he wants a 1 step done on the suburban now, as it is a DD with over 100k(It's an 06) on the clock that sits outside 24/7 and a 3 step/full correction done on both his viper and thunderbird thats tucked away in the garage. :hungry:
Now for the questions...For those of you that have worked on a dodge viper what is the clear like? Hard, soft, hard to work with? What products have worked for you? So far I'm thinking M105, M205, then hit it with Menz PO85rd, then possibly top it with BFWD(Or what would you reccomend?). Am I on the right track? It's black in color so should be fun! I feel like a kid at christmas again. Time to resupply product wise too :)Im the MAN:buffing:
Thanks for the help guys/gals....

P.S. Mike phillips - Your article about the reverse test spot is awesome! It was put to use tonight and worked great.

01-13-2011, 10:38 PM
I cant answer your question. Sorry. I'm a still a padawan. Just wanted to say good for you on the work you sold. I think you used the perfect approach to selling your service.:props:

Southern Stang
01-13-2011, 10:48 PM
Thanks Rhudeboye, I saw the opportunity arise and decided to take advantage of it! Definately cannot wait to start working on this car.

01-13-2011, 11:01 PM
It is hard to go wrong with that combo since it can cover quite a wide range of paints and defects. We do not have much experience with Vipers, but I do not remember reading others mention they were difficult or soft. I would assume average hardness with decent thickness, so that combo should be fine.

But remember to do a test spot first, and inspect your progress!

And pics when you are done ;) Especially of the Thunderbird. And congrats on a good sell!

Southern Stang
01-13-2011, 11:20 PM
Thanks JBL85, There will be more pics than I will know what to do with. I promise. ;) Test spots are a must for any project. :pc7424:
Come to think of it, the thunderbird is black too btw. Along with the suburban. I'm now curious as to what color his vette is.......