View Full Version : 1996 Emerald Green Toyota Camry

12-27-2010, 05:49 PM
Tools at my disposal:

Condition of hood:

So I want to detail my camry, that's never been clayed, just occasional coating of wax. Already clayed the car, there are swirls but I can't get them to show in the pictures, and some light oxidation. I want to remove the oxidation and the swirls with the products that I have, I was thinking of just starting off with m105 and the white pad, then 205 with black. Any suggestions on methods of attack? :buffing:

Mike Phillips
12-27-2010, 05:56 PM
Already clayed the car, there are swirls but I can't get them to show in the pictures, and some light oxidation.

I want to remove the oxidation and the swirls with the products that I have, I was thinking of just starting off with M105 and the white pad, then 205 with black.

Any suggestions on methods of attack?

Start by placing a strip of painter's tape on a flat panel like the hood and then "Test" on just one side of the tape and inspect your work.


By using a tape line you can easily and distinctly gauge your results.

Depending upon how deep the swirls are, technique etc., you should be able to remove the majority of the swirls and all of the oxidation using just the white pad with M105, if not switch over to the light orange cutting pads.

Don't try to tackle too large an area at one time and after you finish one section, overlap into it when you move onto a new section.


12-27-2010, 07:18 PM
Does the black pad have any cut? I always thought 205 should be used with white pad. And black and red for sealant or wax.

Mike Phillips
12-27-2010, 07:52 PM
You can vary the cut of a product by varying the application material.

Note that application material can mean if you're working by hand or machine.

M205 is a finishing polish and works well with a soft finishing pad. For more swirl removal power though you could use a polishing pad. This is where a little experience and testing come into play depending upon what you're working on and what you're trying to accomplish.

Under Misc Topics on my article page...

Misc Topics

The Graphic Equalizer Analogy to Polishing Paint (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101/29315-graphic-equalizer-analogy-polishing-paint.html)

Factors that affect how aggressive or non-aggressive a product is... (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101/28458-factors-affect-how-aggressive-non-aggressive-product.html)
