View Full Version : Plastic Interior Fading/Oxidation?

12-22-2010, 07:40 PM
Ok guys and gals,
While cleaning the interior of my wife's new to her 2005 Nissan Xterra, I ran into a problem.

I use APC+ 10:1 to clean panels and then use ICE Total Interior Spray. I know, Turtle Wax, but it is what I have for now.

Well, I have never really deep cleaned the inside of my wife's truck since we got it, about 3-4 months ago, as it really hasn't been too dirty.

Well, after spraying the drivers side panel in the pictures (hopefully you can see in the picture), the spot above the arm rest has a chalky/faded/oxidated look to it. I imediately stopped to think it over, not sure if I had just done that. I must have since I don't remember it looking that bad. The rear door also looked a little similar, but the APC with the brush took care of it. I can't get the front to go away, and I am scared to use a stronger mix in case the APC is messing with the plastic/color.

Has anyone ever run into this? Is this something I did with the APC? Any steps I can take to try and get rid of it?

I finished up around the car with light sprays of ONR QD as it wasn't too dirty, and I was too scared of color fading elsewhere.

Any and all suggestions/opinions welcome as always.




12-22-2010, 07:52 PM
I just used 303 on the wifes Toyota roof rack that was gray instead of black. The 303 rubbed in actually turned the cloth gray and removed the oxidation. After I wiped it down again with a clean cloth the rack is black again. Don't know if it will solve your problem but it won't hurt to try.


12-22-2010, 09:45 PM
You can just BARELY see it in the pictures. Any way to tell if it is color fading, or something that needs to be removed?

I can use a stronger dilution, I just don't want to end up with white door panels :)