View Full Version : I found what I want for X-Mas!

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12-22-2006, 08:20 PM
You have a great advantage being in a warmer climate. Staying mobile does help keep expenses lower.

For me, a shop was the answer since I live in northern Indiana. Temperatures could be as low as 0F with snow and ice around: time to go indoors. Also, my shop was used for more than just detailing. Some of the staff would go mobile, especially in the summer, but that wasn't the bulk of my business.

Putting a cap/shell on your pickup is a better idea than the trailer, if you can fit all your equipment and not spend an hour unloading when you get to a jobsite.

Have you considered a bigger vehicle, or does the Ranger fit sizewise? I have seen some that use full size cargo vans, but they limit themselves as work vehicles only. Personally, I thought a service truck would be great in a warmer climate. You could lock the sides and the top at night and not have to drag everything inside at night.

Either way, congratulations on getting out of what can be the gritty side of the auto business (sales/F&I) and getting into the clean side of things.

I'm getting a shell painted as we speak. I have a design layed out for the interior. Will be pretty cool if all goes to plan. Thanks for you help on this. Oh yeah, I'm insulating and heating the inside of the area.

12-28-2006, 12:26 PM
Simply an amazing deal!
Now I just need a loan.......

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/MOBILE-DETAILING-TRAILER-AND-EQUIPMENT_W0QQitemZ300056936244QQihZ020QQcategoryZ 66470QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

That thing is awesome :righton: ...I wonder if it ever sold?

12-29-2006, 07:38 PM
I think it did. I lost track of it. Way to much money for me. I'm picking up my shell tomorrow. Can't wait to start building the cabinents and all for the inside. I'm so anal about organization.