View Full Version : DP tire gel Vs. Pinnacle gel Vs. Wg Tire gel: Durability wise??

12-13-2010, 09:37 PM
So, I did a test on 2 different tires, I will post pictures later..

1. 303
2. Pinnacle
3. DP
4. Wolfgang

In terms of gloss, I would have expected pinnacle to be first but actually, I found out wolfgang gave the best shine-gloss out of the 3. and then pinnacle, and finally DP with a satin finish ( I don't know if youapply 2 coat it will become glossy but..oh well, it's not a bad thing to be satin lol)

My question now is... which one last longer? I can't do proper test because of the snow but I'm wondering, do they last pretty much the same times? or one is really more durable than the other?

12-13-2010, 09:46 PM
Thanks for the test cobraa! I look forward to the pictures. I think you will find that the type of tires and age of tires will greatly affect the look that each tire product will give you. I have seen an incredible difference using the same product on different tires. Tad and Dub have spoken with me about this a few times as well. The DP on my old SL tires wasn't much for gloss. On Dubbin1's tires they were super glossy! On my Sky tires they were quite glossy but not near that of Dubbins.

You are correct that most of those products will give you more gloss with added layers.

I am going to have to guess the 303 or DP may be the best bet on durability. I currently have DP and Pinnacle on the tires of my Sky. Currently they look very similar. I haven't tested the Pinnacle with durability. I haven't tried the WG at all.

12-13-2010, 09:49 PM
Hence why I tried on 2 differents tires ( not the same set). I have a winter tire set, I will try too. Then, I will takes pictures with 2 coats haha.

I also tried 2 different liquid CG dressing.