View Full Version : How do I start a weekend business?

12-04-2010, 04:46 PM
I have been detailing my own car and my GF's car and my parents cars. I do it for a hobby. I don't use a buffer yet. I have a turtle wax spreader that does a nice job for doing it quick but I still think doing it by hand gets the best results. I use meguiar's products for the most part except tire shine I use black magic. I like to use a wash and wax then clay and then I glaze my car and then I use wax. Anyways I have some experience. I don't have tons of money as I am in college and working as well a student worker at a dining hall, dishwashing, beverage runner, serving line, etc. Anyways I would like to know what I need to know to start a legal detailing business in Pennsylvania. What should I charge? What services should I offer? How do I go about drumming up business? Are there licenses I need? What sort of insurance should I get or should I just come up with a waiver for people to sign? Do you think a waiver would actually hurt my small business? If a waiver is the way to go for a really small time detailer how should I word it so my rear end is legally covered? I really just want to do wash and clay and glaze and wax and sweeping the interior. What should I know about running a detailing business? I really would like to start one because I enjoy it and I would like to add a little extra income on the side once Spring comes. Although I can detail a car in the winter. Thank god for Mequiar's quick detailer I cleaned the car and waxed it today just because I was bored and there is snow on the ground and I just wanted to see if it could be done to look like a car that has just been washed. So where do I start? Any tips for someone starting out?

Mike Phillips
12-04-2010, 05:21 PM
Welcome to Autogeek Online! :welcome:

Friendly tip... break large chunks of text up into smaller paragraphs with white space around them and you'll make your text easier to read and more inviting to read.

Some people when they see a huge blocks of text will simply click away instead of trying to chew through it...

In order to get great answers to your questions, you first need to get people to read what you write... again... just a friendly tip from someone that writes once in a while...


As for starting a business, the bet thing to do would be to start reading and gathering information. We have a forum for this topic and in it there are lots of great threads that will give you ideas and help you to start forming a plan of action.

Check it out...

How to make money detailing cars (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-make-money-detailing-cars/)

Here's a couple of threads to get you started...

Getting Insurance for a Detailing Business - Thread Archive (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-make-money-detailing-cars/30552-insurance-detailing-business-thread-archive.html)

A few tips on starting a part-time detailing business (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-make-money-detailing-cars/27827-few-tips-starting-part-time-detailing-business.html)

How to put up a website for about $20.00 a year (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-make-money-detailing-cars/27823-how-put-up-website-about-20-00-year.html)

Tips for using a discussion forum to reach more customers... (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-make-money-detailing-cars/24041-tips-using-discussion-forum-reach-more-customers.html)

Brand Yourself, Brand your Forum Nickname and Brand your Business Name (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/tricks-tips-techniques/23241-brand-yourself-brand-your-forum-nickname-brand-your-business-name.html)

How to choose a name for your detailing business (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/tricks-tips-techniques/22283-how-choose-name-your-detailing-business.html)

These two articles will help you to help yourself...

A tip to help yourself get great answers when you start a thread (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/tips-techniques-how-articles-interacting-discussion-forums/29344-tip-help-yourself-get-great-answers-when-you-start-thread.html)

How to write a good title for your thread (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/introduce-yourself/20306-how-write-good-title-your-post.html)


12-04-2010, 08:03 PM

Scott DeBrun
12-04-2010, 09:17 PM
If you have a heated garage then you could detail year round if not then do reaserch and be ready for spring. I have read that most pro detailers charge between $30-40 an hour. Keep in mind this will cover your cost of product as well.