View Full Version : i wish i had brought my camera.....

12-03-2006, 03:35 AM
got 5.5 hours in today applying XMT 2, XMT 1, AIO, and SG, tomorrow comes the wax and maybe interior (if i have time). i had scratched the hell out of my paint at a pay and spray car wash last weekend, and the XMT 2 took out all of that, but did not get all of the spider webbing out. this is 10 years worth so i probably should have bought XMT3 instead of 2. it is on order though so next spring when i do this again i will use the 3.

i forgot my stupid digi cam though, and a cell phone doesn't do it justice. the amount of spider webbing(at least i think that is the term) is so slight it is very hard to find it now that the AIO is on, but it is still there, just hardly noticable. i don't think my poor paint has ever been so clean. the AIO didn't cover it or fill it in, but it made everything so nice and shiny and clean that is very difficult to find (yes i have use the twins before)

can't wait to detail the wifes badly oxidized mazda single stage paint, the job it did on my car was phenominal. i am hooked on this PC and you can't take it away from me!! i am going to try and track down a camera tomorrow though so i can at least get a pic of it clean before it see the snow again, the reflections are so deep and clear now i can't believe it!!

12-03-2006, 04:07 AM
got 5.5 hours in today applying XMT 2, XMT 1, AIO, and SG, tomorrow comes the wax and maybe interior (if i have time). i had scratched the hell out of my paint at a pay and spray car wash last weekend, and the XMT 2 took out all of that, but did not get all of the spider webbing out. this is 10 years worth so i probably should have bought XMT3 instead of 2. it is on order though so next spring when i do this again i will use the 3.

i forgot my stupid digi cam though, and a cell phone doesn't do it justice. the amount of spider webbing(at least i think that is the term) is so slight it is very hard to find it now that the AIO is on, but it is still there, just hardly noticable. i don't think my poor paint has ever been so clean. the AIO didn't cover it or fill it in, but it made everything so nice and shiny and clean that is very difficult to find (yes i have use the twins before)

can't wait to detail the wifes badly oxidized mazda single stage paint, the job it did on my car was phenominal. i am hooked on this PC and you can't take it away from me!! i am going to try and track down a camera tomorrow though so i can at least get a pic of it clean before it see the snow again, the reflections are so deep and clear now i can't believe it!!
Keep a dispasable 1 time use camera in a glove box compartment.
You never know what you may see, you never know what might happen.

12-03-2006, 09:40 AM
Can't wait so see some pics!!

12-04-2006, 10:32 AM
well here is the pics, currently +1F outside, drove thru 100 miles last nite of complete whiteout conditions, and it snowed and blowed some more during the evening, so i think it looks pretty good considering. the white specs are snow,sorry i didn't feel like quick detailing it since it would immediately freeze :lol: and someone spit on my car at work today, i guess they don't like nice looking vehicles :evil:


12-04-2006, 10:55 AM
Is that the Mazda in the background on one of the pics? Red? Can't wait to see after pics of that. What are you planning on using on the Mazda? Your car looks great for being driven in the snow. Nice job!

12-04-2006, 10:58 AM
Is that the Mazda in the background on one of the pics? Red? Can't wait to see after pics of that. What are you planning on using on the Mazda? Your car looks great for being driven in the snow. Nice job!
no that is some POS toyota, it never moves and has rust holes all the way thru. the wife took her car to work ;)

12-04-2006, 11:03 AM
no that is some POS toyota, it never moves and has rust holes all the way thru. the wife took her car to work ;)
Gotcha! Maybe the owner can let you use it as a test vehicle.:) Make it have one nice looking fender.

12-04-2006, 11:06 AM
Gotcha! Maybe the owner can let you use it as a test vehicle.:) Make it have one nice looking fender.
i should get pics of it, i am surprised the car even runs (i have seen it move like 3 times in 3+ months). it is bad, it wouldn't be worth my time. besides my car was the guinnee pig for my learning to use the PC, i think i did OK ;)

12-04-2006, 11:08 AM
wasn't there a forum member here on the geek wanting to upgrade to a new camera and selling the old camera? PM him and verify the member and see if the camera will fit your needs....or contact Santa (Mehgan) i heard she has some big clout ;)

12-04-2006, 11:16 AM
wasn't there a forum member here on the geek wanting to upgrade to a new camera and selling the old camera? PM him and verify the member and see if the camera will fit your needs....or contact Santa (Mehgan) i heard she has some big clout ;) i own 2 digi-cameras, i just didn't bring either one with my to my parents house this weekend to take pics then ;)