View Full Version : How to get carpets spotless?

11-08-2010, 11:18 PM
I am having some trouble getting carpets to be as clean as possible. Can people throw me some suggestions of what they do and would trust to take almost any stain out...Thanks guys!

11-08-2010, 11:18 PM
Pretty safe chemical is folex

11-08-2010, 11:19 PM
Apc... Carpet shampoo. Either of those and scrub brush will take out just about anything

11-08-2010, 11:21 PM
Well currently i am spraying folex and degreaser, wettings the mats so the chemicals soak in, pressure washing the mats, and then extracting them. That works well IMO but what about the carpet you cannot take out..

11-08-2010, 11:22 PM
Sometimes if heavily stained, you cannot get them 100% clean.

11-08-2010, 11:24 PM
Are you following up By toweling carpet it may sound dumb but you be surprised at how much toweling the carpet takes out!

11-08-2010, 11:25 PM
Are you following up By toweling carpet it may sound dumb but you be surprised at how much toweling the carpet takes out!

Not familiar with this method...are you saying wipe down everything with a towel?

11-09-2010, 12:06 AM
Here is my method now I learned this from David Fermini and he knows his stuff lol but seriously I tried this and wow I was getting mats ALOT cleaner after I followed these steps than before I was doing them

1. Dry Scrub Mat with scrub brush ( to loosen any stuborn dirt stuck in the carpet or stuck deep in the carpet.

2. Vacuum (you might be surprised to actually see a difference already at this point because I know I do on heavily soiled mats even these 2 steps helped.)

3. Spray APC over the mat

4. Scrub with hard bristle brush hard and fast ( I use attatchment on my polisher for this works great)

5. Rinse with hose or Power washer (preferably power washer)

6. I use little green machine to extract 80% of water

7. Take a dry terry cloth towel and wipe the mat down to dry last 20% of water

8. If still dirty Try a dedicated carpet shampoo I use Automagic and the foam will lift up and out the dirt as well

Also in lots of cases I dont even need to power wash or rinse the mat I only do that in REALLY dirty mats. But I will spray an APC on the mat and scrub then towel dry and you will literally see the towel turning black as you are wiping the mat and that assures you its picking up LOTS of dirt. Sometimes I go through 4-5 towels before they stop turning black

11-09-2010, 09:27 AM
Get yourself some white terry towels, not micro fibers. Vacuum until you think you're done and then agitate with a brush and vacuum some more. This step is underrated yet so important. A few good products for stain removal:
Folex, available at Home Depot by the gallon
Krud Kutter (good on red stains too) also available at HD by the gallon (usually in paint dept)
Majestic Solutions Extractor Carpet cleaner (only available online)
Spray the cleaner of your choice and let dwell. Agitate with a brush. Blot and wipe the area with the terry towels, changing the sides often. If the carpet is yucky, you will go through lots of them...it will disgust you what they absorb from the carpet. For the win, at this point hit it with a steamer with a terry towel wrapped around the end. You can also substitute an extractor if you have one. Wipe dry as much as possible and vacuum again if needed (won't be with steam). This will remove what is going to come out. You may not get out 100%, it depends on a lot of factors, but it will get it as good as it possibly can be. Clean your towels with bleach after. Let me know how this works for you. I have been using this method with great success for years.

11-09-2010, 09:44 AM
I hate doing carpets!!

Fast Eddie
11-09-2010, 12:20 PM
Vacuum until you think you're done and then agitate with a brush and vacuum some more. This step is underrated yet so important.

This is some good advice, vacuuming the car thoroughly and agitating can make a huge difference. I've been using Prochem Ultrapac Traffic Lane cleaner and then extracting with good results.

11-21-2010, 05:10 AM
One time I couldn't get the mats cleaned for the life of me, and the rest of the vehicle had to be detailed and I spent to much time on the mats alone. Soooo I rubbed in some Gain Tropical scent on the mats and threw them in the washer. I'll be, they came out cleaner than anything I could've done, and smelled fresh.

11-21-2010, 09:51 AM
The way I do it is to pre-treat with Folex, then use my steamer. This does an amazing job. Some areas need a few attempts if they are really stubborn. However not all stains come out.