View Full Version : Confused with all Meg's Dressings!!!

10-23-2010, 12:44 PM
I'm looking to pick up some all purpose dressing that I can mainly use for TIRES, but can also be used on wheelwells and maybe some trim on the exterior of the car (or even on plastics in the engine). I'm looking at Meguiars dressings and they have multiple dressings that seem to be the same thing. I am using this for production detailing so I want it to wow the customers.

Ideally, this is what I want:
Super shiny and long lasting for tires
able to dilute and use on wheelwells and other plastics on the exterior and engine
Cheapest price :)

Hyper dressing and all season dressing and silicone free tire dressing all seem to fall in this area as well as something along the lines of Poorboys Bold and Bright. While i've used Poorboys, it doesn't seem to give the shine that I am looking for but I do like using it. I've never used any of the Meguiars and am afraid to spend money on an entire gallon for me not to like it.

Could you please give me your suggestions on something to use? I may even consider using 2 different products to achieve my goals, like Poorboys for wheelwells and more matte finish and another product for the tires (I'd prefer not to use a gel or something that will sling all over the car). I've used an AA product in an orange squeeze bottle (I think hot shine or something) and that stuff slings all over the place if you don't SCRUB it out of every nook and cranny. It also goops up every applicator that i've used with it that I have to throw them out. Same with Blackfire tire gel.

Southern Stang
10-23-2010, 01:01 PM
It seems like hyper dressing is in the ball park of what you may be looking for. Cheap, and can be used for many different things in many different dilutions. As far as endurance on the tires, some say it's not quite there and only get about a week or so durability wise.

10-23-2010, 01:01 PM
ASD is going to last longer than HD (typically water based dressings do not last very long). HD can be diluted from 1:1-4:1 where as the ASD is RTU (ready to use). between the two, ASD is cheaper. with HD, i use it at 3:1 in the wheel wells and find no need to wipe it down. with ASD it's thicker, you may need to wipe it down after spraying or apply to a applicator/sponge and wipe it down. personally, i like HD better between the two...

10-23-2010, 01:36 PM
If you, All Season Dressing is the best option.

10-23-2010, 02:10 PM
Both are good but HyperDressing will fit your needs better. First off, dilutable so AFTER dilution...its actually going to give you more bottles than ASD. Second of all its AWESOME for engines. After you have finished cleaning them, you can basically spray the HD all over ...then start the engine to speed up the drying...then use a MF towel to touch up any spots that are still wet (which usually there are few to none) and you're done.

Aside from the fact you can dilute it, the #1 thing i love about it is the 'spray it and leave it' ability it has for engines and wheel wells....no getting your hands/arms in odd positions to have to wipe it on, just spray it and you're set.

With tires its awesome...again spray it and leave it and it'll be very shiney with 2:1...and is fine for interior work as well. Good on mud flaps too. For TRIM..personally i like Ultimate Protectant. Just put some on a foam pad (maybe quarter size) and you can go a LONG ways with it...plus how it basically bonds to the trim helps it last longer and there is no going over it with a MF to smooth it out when you're done.

But for tires/wells/engines...can't go wrong with HD...I'm gonna get another gallon of it soon as Ive almost used all mine up.

If you want to see how it works on engines, check out my webpage and look at the engines section...all were dressed with HD

10-23-2010, 07:49 PM
Another Hyper vote, use it for all production detailing of engines, well, tires, some places on interior.

Old Tiger
10-24-2010, 06:25 AM
IME ASD is tops for wheel wells. Spray on and walk away. Lasts a good while. I prefer DP Tirr Gel for tires.