View Full Version : Cleaning polish pads/cloths and wax cloths together?

10-13-2010, 04:33 PM
I've got the Pinnacle Rejuvenator MF pad/cloth cleaner and have just polished and waxed my car. Can I throw the polishing products and the waxing products in together?

Shade Tree
10-13-2010, 10:04 PM
Yup, chemicals is chemicals .............. they all clean the same. This is assuming you're cleaning the MF products as one batch and the pads as another.


Clean the pads with dish soap etc, let soak and then rinse. Clean MF in the washer as anything else with drying time at lower temp and no fabric softener.

10-14-2010, 12:31 AM
Dammit, no, I cleaned the polishing pads and MF cloths together, and the wax/sealant pads and cloths together. OK, what will get screwed up?--the pads or the MF cloths?

Shade Tree
10-14-2010, 12:34 AM
Dammit, no, I cleaned the polishing pads and MF cloths together, and the wax/sealant pads and cloths together. OK, what will get screwed up?--the pads or the MF cloths?

The MF will probably be fine. The pads probably will survive, but try not do that anymore. lol

It'll just shorten the life of the pads drastically due to the extra wear and tear of the washer & dryer.

Soak them, rinse them, wring them out and let them air dry. :props:

10-14-2010, 07:43 AM
No, I never put pads in the washer or dryer. I let the polishing products (MF cloths and pads) soak in one 5 gallon bucket and the waxing/sealant products soak in another. I only use the washer for larger towels, like drying towels. I always air dry after wringing out.

Shade Tree
10-14-2010, 08:47 AM
You're good to go then .......... sounded like everything was beingg "washed" together. My bad

10-14-2010, 06:35 PM
I dont suggest washing pads and towels together. MF towels seem to attract anything released from pads like polish residue or wax if not completely cleaned prior. Call me extra safe ...

10-14-2010, 06:46 PM
I presoak my Microfiber towels in a solution of Pinnacle Rejuvenator and hot water. This breaks down and dissolves 80% of the contaminates. I quickly rinse them then into the washer they go for a final wash with Pinnacle Rejuvenator.

I've done pads in the same way but in a bucket of hot water and dawn dish liquid. I never the pads and towels together, just didn't make sense.

Everything goes outdoors to dry and since this works I think I'll stick with it! :props: