View Full Version : M16 via DA

10-13-2010, 04:10 AM
Mike, do you have any tips on applying Meguiar's #16 Paste Wax via DA? I plan on using a plastic knife to put a very thin layer on the pad. I've never used the DA to apply a paste wax before. I have been warned to use an EXTREMELY THIN LAYER of M16 though due to it being hard to get off if I don't. Is there anything else I should do differently as opposed to NXT 2.0 liquid wax? Thanks.

Tom Weed
10-13-2010, 07:59 AM
Mike, do you have any tips on applying Meguiar's #16 Paste Wax via DA? I plan on using a plastic knife to put a very thin layer on the pad. I've never used the DA to apply a paste wax before. I have been warned to use an EXTREMELY THIN LAYER of M16 though due to it being hard to get off if I don't. Is there anything else I should do differently as opposed to NXT 2.0 liquid wax? Thanks.

I'm not Mike, but I've used M16 with the DA with great success, I've either used something to apply it to the pad, or used a small enough pad that can fit inside the container. I've never been able to apply it thin enough by hand that it wasn't a PITA to remove. Another trick that I've found that helps, do one panel at time.

10-13-2010, 10:09 AM
You can use a hand applicator to apply it to the face of the pad. This has worked well for me.


10-13-2010, 11:51 AM
You can use a hand applicator to apply it to the face of the pad. This has worked well for me.


Really? I'll give that a shot too then. I would think that the hand applicator would absorb a lot of it in the process, no?

10-13-2010, 01:34 PM
If you have a small enough pad like a 4" just pop that sucker in there other wise use a butter knife to apply the wax to the pad. I wouldnt use an applicator to apply wax on a pad because you will be using more product by priming two pads different pads.

Applying paste wax via G110v2 or other D/A - Car Care Forums: Meguiar's Online (http://meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40369&highlight=inch+wax)