View Full Version : PB Bug Squash messed up my trim!

11-27-2006, 12:50 AM
Even though the instructions say that it is safe for every part of your car, I found out today that it is not. I sprayed PBBS at 3:1 as instructed by the package all over the front of my car and my rear view mirrors. I got distracted for a minute or two and it started to dry on my paint. So I hit it with some water and then went after it with my Schmitt to get the bugs off. Happy to report that the bugs came right off. Continued washing the rest of the car with NXT wash as usual.

Moved car into the garage after drying it and go out for a few hours. Come back to remove water marks with S&G and lay on a coat of P21S. Notice there are light spots all over my rubber molding around my window near the rearview. I have been using Z16 for my molding, and the molding was nice and black, except for these spots which were light brown. I put 3 coats of Z16 on the trim and it dimished the color difference, but I can still see the spots from the BS.

I am pretty aggravated about this and don't really know where to go next. Is there anything that will fix this and restore my trim to black again??:confused: :mad:

11-27-2006, 07:27 AM
I have used Bug Squash alone and in with car wash with never any damage to trim. Are you sure that Z16 was not covering it up, and the Bug Squash removed it and thus needs reapplication ?? Maybe something like Black Again as a thicker gel type product ??

11-27-2006, 10:56 AM
Obviously I can't be 100% sure that the Z16 wasn't removed in those areas, leaving it a different color. But my trim was never the color that the BS left it. I am not really thrilled with Z16 anyway, but I haven't placed another order with AG to replace it.

Which product do you like for restoring trim and doing tires? Is there one that does both well, or are there two seporate solutions?

11-27-2006, 02:02 PM
Personally Poorboys trim restorer did wonders for my trim. Litterly did a 360 on them

11-27-2006, 03:46 PM
Back in the days when I covered everything with a product I put a lot of stains on my trim around the truck. Really stained the trim on my tonneau cover as well. I puchased Forever Black to take the stains away. It took several applications but did the trick. Now I maintain with Trim Restore. It worked for me.

11-27-2006, 08:20 PM
I used Bug Squash 50/50 DI water mix, never any damage to trim or paint. I top my trim with 303.

11-28-2006, 02:02 AM
That's wierd. I never had any issues with Poorboy's bug sqush.