View Full Version : Zymol Residue

04-13-2006, 11:56 PM
So, I have a 78 Toyota Celica with updated paint that's 3 years old. It shows swirl marks and highway chip marks but overall the paint is in great condition. That's until I used the zymol wax. I guess I applied to much and didn't get it off (even though I did) or I applied it when the surface was too hot. I don't know. What I do know is there are milky stains on my hood and roof. It seems to buff off if I use some spit and finger rubbing. I've tried a Meguiar's glaze and a circular terry applicator without success. I need some help. Have any suggestions of products or techiques.


04-14-2006, 05:24 AM
Usually when wax is used to heavily you will see some streaking and some clouding. Wiping the car with some QD's or distilled water will usually remove it without issue.

Since your seems to need a little more work to remove (spit and rubbing) it is probably in need of a paint cleaner (Klasse AIO, Pinnacle Paintwork, P21S GEPPC) that will chemically remove wax. You can also go to an abrasive polish which might be necessary.

Megs Glaze (#7 maybe) is actually a "filler" and doesnt have any real paint cleaning or polishing ability. It usually is reserved for hiding swirls or covering and enhancing the wet-look while using a wax specifically.

07-17-2006, 02:44 PM
So, I'm just getting around to taking care of my old wax problem. I was planning on ordering the Klasse AIO to get rid of the wax tarnish but am wondering about old swirl marks as well. Should I get the Pinnacle Paintwork instead because of it's duel action or should I get the Klasse and a different swirl treatment? I'm leaning toward two products because of Klasse's reputation but am looking for advice. Also take into consideration that the reason I'm in this predicament is because of overusing the wax in the first place. So, ease of use is a consideration!! Also a suggestion of wax and applicators would be appreciated. And, if you could fly out and hold my hand that would be perfect. Ha!

Thanks again

07-17-2006, 05:54 PM
I'd go with AIO to clean the paint,then MEGS 7,to hide the swirls somewhat, then a carnuba as soverin to protect........

07-17-2006, 05:59 PM
