View Full Version : Can I let Megs #7 showcar glaze work while I detail

10-07-2010, 09:29 AM
Well I am spamming up the forums today :)

Car: 1991 toyota corolla Le

Paint... org. clear coated paint. BUT! rear bumper and mirrors are single stage.

I looked at Mike write up some last night on using #7

I want to use it for the oil prospective and how the single stage will put that in to nurish itself.

1. Can I work Megs #7 in and then let it keep working on the single stage paint areas while I detail the rest of the car.

2.How hard will it be to remove if I take lets say 4 hours to detail.

10-07-2010, 09:33 AM
Remove #7 immediately. Don't let it dry on the paint. You'll regret it.

Mike Phillips
10-07-2010, 09:38 AM
Car: 1991 toyota corolla Le

Paint... org. clear coated paint. BUT! rear bumper and mirrors are single stage.

I looked at Mike write up some last night on using #7

This part?

The Secret to Removing Oxidation and Restoring a Show Car Finish to Antique Single Stage Paints (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-articles/25304-secret-removing-oxidation-restoring-show-car-finish-antique-single-stage-paints.html)

This is key...
Saturation Application --> The First Application
This is a mostly unknown technique and that is to let the first application penetrate and soak into the paint for up to 24 hours before wiping the product off. The idea being to really apply the product wet and work it in really well and the walk away.

The idea is to allow the heavy concentration of oils to penetrate and seep into the paint for maximum saturation before removing the product and continuing with the process. In this case I finished applying the first application of #7 around 9:00 pm and then left the #7 to soak in until the next day. I started wiping the product off then next morning right about 10:00am.

Some will argue if this works or not buy my experience is that with a porous single stage paint it does in fact help. One thing for sure it can't hurt.

Paper Test for Capillary Action
If you place a few drops of #7 onto a piece of paper and then monitor it over a few days you will see the oils in the #7 migrate or seep away from the actual drop of product. It does this through capillary action and the same thing can work to your car's paints' advantage if it's a single stage lacquer or enamel paint.

I placed a few drops about the size of a nickel on a piece of standard printer paper around 3:00pm.


The next day I took these pictures at approximately 10:00am, (19 hours later), note how the oils in the drops of #7 have migrated outward via capillary action.


Feeder Oils penetrate or feed the paint
This same effect can take place in a single stage paint but not only will the oils travel horizontally, they will also travel vertically, that they will penetrate downward "into" your car's paint and this is where the term feeder oils comes from as the oils penetrate into or feed the paint. The result is they will condition the paint restoring some level of workability as compared to just working on old dry paint, and they will also bring out the full richness of color, something that will showcase the beauty of your car's paint.

I want to use it for the oil prospective and how the single stage will put that in to nourish itself.

1. Can I work Megs #7 in and then let it keep working on the single stage paint areas while I detail the rest of the car.

This will work if the single stage paint is to some level neglected, dull and/or dried out.

2.How hard will it be to remove if I take lets say 4 hours to detail.

Easy... just use a quality microfiber and take little bites of it off at a time.


10-07-2010, 09:47 AM
I will give it a shot. I want to in part "feed" the paint to help it out. The car is always sitting outside due to the fact I live in an apartment at this time. I will give it the time to "feed" the paint while I do the rest of the car. But I will work it in before I let it rest.

Thanks Mike!

10-07-2010, 10:39 AM
Remove #7 immediately. Don't let it dry on the paint. You'll regret it.

Ignore my comment. My experience with #7 is virtually nonexistent compared to Mike P's.

10-07-2010, 10:54 AM
Oh your fine Akimel, In the past Ive only used it on clear coat finish and I did a wipe on wipe off, but after reading his write up, I want to take some time to bring the life back into the single stage bumper. and I am sure I will run into a problem maybe of getting it off, and thats just because its not a slick surface like clear coat.