View Full Version : Distilled water = no water spots ????

09-30-2010, 11:42 AM
I would assume so, but not positive.

Kevin Brown
09-30-2010, 12:33 PM
Yes, but don't assume that you won't get spots when washing a car because the ingredients in the soap can still spot.

If you have an endless supply of pure water, regardless the purification method, then "water" spots will not be a problem.

Most detailers use de-ionized water because it's a convenient way to purify water. Run tap water through the tanks, and it comes out clean. Once the resin beads start to attach particles, however, the water purifying capability starts to diminish.

If washing in direct sunlight, it's still best to dry the windows first (especially tinted ones- they get hot in a hurry), then the portion of the car that is being affected by direct sunlight.

If you are in a dusty or windy area, you may see little spots form on the surface because the dust in the air hits the water droplet, and once the water evaporates, you see a dirt spot.

Mike Phillips
09-30-2010, 02:19 PM
If you are in a dusty or windy area, you may see little spots form on the surface because the dust in the air hits the water droplet, and once the water evaporates, you see a dirt spot.

Good point.

I have an article about this on MOL because the topic of how to clean a freshly washed car after rains came up and just by chance the day before I took these pictures I washed my 1973 2-wheel drive Blazer and then the next day it was windy and raining.

After the standing water on the hood dried it left dirt spots everywhere from dirt carried in the wind and deposited on the droplets of water.

Dirt Spots/Water Spots after Rain (http://meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27521)

Dirt spots left behind after water beads dried-up


09-30-2010, 03:02 PM
Thanks guys.