View Full Version : Which pad cleaner is better?

09-26-2010, 03:51 PM
I'm new to foam pads. Which pad cleaner is better? The DP or Wolfgang?

09-26-2010, 04:35 PM
I'm new to foam pads. Which pad cleaner is better? The DP or Wolfgang?

option 3, dawn dish soap and hot water! haha

09-26-2010, 04:40 PM
option 3, dawn dish soap and hot water! haha
works great but you do have to rinse like crazy. try your apc,spray,let dwell for awhile and rinse.

A4 1.8tqm
09-26-2010, 04:44 PM
DP has treated me well.

09-26-2010, 05:34 PM
try your apc,spray,let dwell for awhile and rinse.


09-26-2010, 07:09 PM
DP Pad Rejuvinator --- mix alittle or alot , its a must-have product.

09-26-2010, 08:11 PM
The DP stuff works fine at getting polishes out in my experience, but they're pretty easy to get out anyway. It didn't make a dent in WGDGPS though. That stuff is brutal. Only Dawn and lots of it got that stuff out. I just got my first jug of real auto APC though (Megs+) and we'll see how that works for the sealant.

09-26-2010, 09:22 PM
The DP stuff works fine at getting polishes out in my experience, but they're pretty easy to get out anyway. It didn't make a dent in WGDGPS though. That stuff is brutal. Only Dawn and lots of it got that stuff out. I just got my first jug of real auto APC though (Megs+) and we'll see how that works for the sealant.

I definitely agree with that. The DP cleaner is pretty good, but it does not touch WDGPS. Not a bad idea with the APC+. I have some on hand, so maybe next time I will try it. :xyxthumbs:

09-26-2010, 09:34 PM
The DP stuff works fine at getting polishes out in my experience, but they're pretty easy to get out anyway. It didn't make a dent in WGDGPS though. That stuff is brutal. Only Dawn and lots of it got that stuff out. I just got my first jug of real auto APC though (Megs+) and we'll see how that works for the sealant.

I definitely agree with that. The DP cleaner is pretty good, but it does not touch WDGPS. Not a bad idea with the APC+. I have some on hand, so maybe next time I will try it. :xyxthumbs:

Mike actually brought this up in one of our classes. The fact that DP pad cleaner has a hard time getting the sealant out of the pads is not bad - actually, it is a very good thing. If you had an easy time getting it out of your pads, don't you think it's probably going to come off your paint pretty easily as well? Wouldn't that make you mad to think that you paid $40 for a sealant that was going to come off with the first wash? On the other hand, polishes are made to be removed easily (for the most part). You don't want them sticking on your paint, or your pads for that matter, which is why they're so much easier to remove. Make sense? :props: Instead of giving DP pad cleaner a bad mark, give DGPS a good mark.

09-26-2010, 11:14 PM
Shane, bucking for a position with Autogeek, nice reply, I remember Mike talking about that!