View Full Version : Hazing after buffing with 845

09-22-2010, 01:33 AM
This has been bothering me for a while now because I'm not sure what happened.

A month ago, on a particularly hot and humid day, I washed my car and applied a thin, even coat of Collinite 845 Insulator Wax to the hood, roof, and trunk lid in the shade, waited about a half hour until it had hazed over in my garage, then thoroughly buffed off the residue with several microfiber towels. I had previously applied a layer of 845 to the whole car a month earlier, so I was just adding another layer to the horizontal surfaces of the car.

Everything looked great at first, as it always had in the past when I used 845, but later that night I came out into the garage, and noticed that the areas where I applied the wax looked "hazy", like the residue had never been buffed off. This was not streaking, as I definitely know what streaking looks like. This was a cloudy haze, like wax that is waiting to be buffed off. I swiped my finger across the "haze", and it came right off, so I rebuffed with a microfiber towel.

The next day it was back, just not as bad. So I buffed it again. And the next week, a day after I had washed it again, I noticed the "haze" again! It just wouldn't stay away.

And now, more than a full month later, the haze still persists. It's mostly gone, but I noticed it the other day. There's no way its dew either, as it isn't wet. I can wipe it away with little effort, and it looks fine! What gives? The only thing I can think of is 845 doesn't do so well with layering maybe as the oils in it just keep coming out of the paint if theres too much of it on there?? I don't know.....

And if this is a Collinite thing only, would 915 and 476 do the same thing?