View Full Version : Crazy how attached you get to pets

11-23-2006, 01:07 PM
We rescued a kitten from my mothers boyfriends business that was in some scrap metal, he was just born, maybe a week at the most, eyes not open, bad gash on the leg from the metal etc. Fast foward 6 months and he's become a part of the family and in perfect condition, he's awsome, and I'm not a cat guy. He's a friggen lunatic, along with our pschyo Min Pin, he's always popping out of places and jumping on her or doing like a flip kick to my dogs face (its hilarious). So wake up this morning and we can't find him, searched like crazy for hours outside, mother is freaking out. Ends up he was under my bed where I have this bean bag thing that goes under part of it, makes like a little tee-pee thing and he was hiding apparently behind that. But he wouldn't come even when shaking his food (usually when he hears that sound he comes flying out of nowhere). Even our dog sensed that something was wrong when b/c when we finally found him she pounced right on him and started playing, where before she was lying on the couch looking sad (that or it was the doggie valium she's on:D).

Neighbors are pry thinking my mom is looney after she walked up and down the street for hours yelling "Scrappy" with his food thing jingling in one hand and one of his jingle toys in the other lol. I even ran across to the beach thinking he may have gone that way.

Crazy, I'm not a cat person, but when we thought he was missing it felt like a family member was lost. We have the windows open, gorgeous chilly breeze comming through, so I have one of those portable little heater thingys on in the computer room, the cat and dog are laying in front of it (both are funny, when I say "heater time" they both come running to the computer room). I'll try to load a pic later on of them in front of it.

11-23-2006, 01:26 PM
My two dogs and a cat are treated as family members..not pets...I spend alot of time with my 2 dogs..I rescued both....worth saving a dog...the male is American Bulldog and Bullpit...the female is a Staffordshire Terrier..both are the most loving dog I ever owned...I have had dogs as companions for 40+ years...My son loves driving around with them and they like to ride..My GF feels so secure having them around....they both struggle to see who gets the best spot to snuggle next to her on the couch....

My dogs are Family..and every time I loose one.I am heart broken..like losing a child...

To me dogs and cats have emotions..they do show love to you...when I was sick..they would not leave my side...

Rescue a dog or cat and save a life..


11-23-2006, 01:56 PM
i lost my pup when it flooded here in august and it sucked i was so close to her...she was a collie rotty mix and the best dog i ever had......its funny when i left for training and again to iraq my dad would tell me that she started to howl she never did that when i was around not even when the sirens of an ambulance were blarring close by.....

but my mom has a deer leg chihuhua named tequila that is fun to mess around with, its funny to chase her around the house or shell bring me one of her toys and play tug of war.....but she still cowers when i try to go and pet her im not sure why......

11-23-2006, 02:34 PM
I bough one of those little micro cars, the real tiny ones, but the little sucker flies, both the dog and cat go ballistic when I run it to mess with them. All our friends call our dog Little Satan Spawn, Min Pins are just nutz lol. Love it when she gets in bed and cuddles at night. When we have a lot of people over we have to give her a doggie valium to callm her down lol. She starts walking around looking drugged up lol, but she must be resistant b/c it only last an hours or two when it's supposed to calm much bigger dogs down for a couple hours.

Dog is deffinitley spoiled, has a little waterbed in each room that says princess on it, tons of toys as we have to buy a new one like every other day, she get's either bored or kills the squeeky lol. Every single night she gets one of her blankies heated up to curl up in, Min Pins are attracted to heat. Her name is Babushka lol, when we first got her my mother would always talk baby talk to her, and somehow that word came out. Funny part was one of our neighbors was Russian and apparently that's a Russian word, said we named our dog a hat or scarf LOL.

11-23-2006, 03:53 PM
I know what yal are talking about. We rescue 2 dogs and 1 cat, don't know what they are. Post pics later, I'm a work. Here is two of my four dogs I have on photobucket.