View Full Version : How will i tell if its time to change pc pad?

09-19-2010, 06:35 AM
I will be placing my order shortly for the fallowing

PCXP 7424
5" Backing Plate
3 Pack 5.5" White Pads
Menzerna Power Finish
Mother's Clay Bar Kit

Now once i get to detailing my car, this will be my first experiance with pc, so i still have few questions. How will i know when should i change to a new pad? then how do i wash the pads after use?

Flash Gordon
09-19-2010, 08:07 AM
Order yellow pads also. PF w/yellow pads makes for a great one step in most cases

You will notice your pads start to flake in time. Having said that, I have some pads I have had for 3+ years that are still fine. I've had others wear out with just a few uses

As for how to clean. I drop mine in a bucket of APC/water mixture immediately after each use. After 30 minutes or so of soaking I go over and Baptise them and workum over with my fingers. Afterwards rinse thoroughly

09-19-2010, 08:08 AM
Im mean how will i tell during use that its time to get a new pad for the rest of the car? and what is APC? sorry for a dumb question

Flash Gordon
09-19-2010, 08:12 AM
Im mean how will i tell during use that its time to get a new pad for the rest of the car? and what is APC? sorry for a dumb question

Not a dumb question. I just wasn't paying attention

When your pad starts to gum up/not act right/get stuck, this is when to change. You will know it when it happens. Alot of ppl clean there pads with a spur during use. Not me, I just switch to a fresh one

Applying to much product is the leading cause of this IMO

09-19-2010, 08:19 AM
APC is 'all-purpose cleaner.'

The abbreviations will take awhile to learn.

Hope you have great success in your efforts!

09-19-2010, 08:21 AM
thanx guys, how bout using dawn, is that bad?

Flash Gordon
09-19-2010, 08:21 AM
APC is 'all-purpose cleaner.'

The abbreviations will take awhile to learn.

Hope you have great success in your efforts!

Again, I wasn't paying attention. Trying to listen to the preacher man on t.v. and responding to threads doesn't work

See yall later

09-19-2010, 07:15 PM
thanx guys, how bout using dawn, is that bad?

nope. i use dish soap to clean my pads. works great. i run the faucet with very warm water, throw some soap on it, and massage the water and soap into the pad make tons of foam and assuring that all the crud is gone. then i rinse over and over, squeezing to suck in water and squeezing to get the soap out, repeat repeat. then i put the pads on my wire laundry rack to dry.

it depends on what products you use, but super long working time products like optimum products tell you plainly when the pads are done. it just becomes gummed up and "dry". on occassion i'll give the pad, if it's a compound pad, a spritz of water and continue to work if i only have a little bit more to go.

09-19-2010, 07:44 PM
If you get to the point where you apply a sealant with PC, you might even have to use Dawn. With Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant, for example, I had a heck of time getting it out of the pad using normal pad cleaner. Dawn seemed to work better.