View Full Version : When do you guys use IPA wipedowns

09-16-2010, 03:43 AM
I have read many of your techniques on here but am always confused about when you use the IPA wipe-down. After each polish step? After the final step? before polishing?

Never normally use this, kind of just use a apc/qd mix to clean the residue and lubricate for wiping off. Just wondering about it, sounds like it would just be easier to do this.

Thanks :D

09-16-2010, 03:49 AM
I use IPA after polishing/compounding to remove any oils /fillers that the polish might have left behind to analyze the true state of the surface.

IPA can also be used for removing old waxes and sealants in case you want to polish those panels again!(or try on a new sealant!)

09-16-2010, 04:08 AM
APC will work the same as IPA, but a QD will most likely not remove polish residue and/or fillers. So if you're more comfy with APC, it also serves the same purpose, except IPA is cheaper (here at least) :)

After every polishing step and before Sealant/Wax application. No need to do an IPA to remove wax/sealant if you are to polish/compound.

09-16-2010, 07:01 AM
Generally after paint correction to remove oils and leftover "stuff" that this stage leaves behind. Besides leaving the surface clean it allow you to inspect the condition of the of the paint before proceeding.

Some use mineral spirits and all purpose cleaners but the can leave behind residue of their own. While I have used both, I like to finish with isopropal alcohol to leave the surface clean.

09-16-2010, 09:52 AM
First, thanks for the responses.

I guess I'm just concerned if I'm doing it right. Is there any harm in just wiping down with a MF after say a medium polish before going to a finishing polish?

I only use the cleaner after the final polish before LSP.

09-16-2010, 10:00 AM
Is there any harm in just wiping down with a MF after say a medium polish before going to a finishing polish?

No, not at all.

09-16-2010, 10:32 AM

Awesome, think I was just misunderstanding what people were talking about for their IPA wipes.

Thanks for helping to clear it up.