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11-22-2006, 02:11 PM
I started feeling sick Sunday night and by Monday night it was going full-force: stuffed-up nose, plugged-up ears, headache, sore throat. Here it is Wednesday and I'm feeling a little better, but still pretty crappy.

I always lose my sense of taste when I get sick, so Thanksgiving dinner's going to be great fun if it doesn't return by tomorrow. :(

I also have a detail on a Bimmer 740 scheduled for Friday, but I may have to reschedule that if I'm still feeling crappy. I can't imagine pulling an 8 - 10 hour detail all the while coughing, blowing my nose and generally feeling run down.

That's all...sorry for the rant...I'm going back to the couch...

11-22-2006, 02:14 PM
Oh! I'm so sorry to hear your sick! :( I hope that you are able to enjoy your thanksgiving dinner. Feel better soon.

11-22-2006, 02:15 PM
Plenty of Zinc...Vitamin C..and hot chicken soup....gets some lemons..cut them up..cover them with water..boil them....add a shot or 2 of ginger brandy..drink hot..and you will recover...


11-22-2006, 05:57 PM
I just ran thru the same thing ..... Tyolonel Cold Nighttime 3X (blue liquid, purple label) for one day. Airborne every 3 hours. SPritz nose with Zicam Sinus Extreme every 12 hours. Plenty of sleep. Out of commision 72 hours max ... ate lots of Jewish Penicillin (Chic Soup)

11-22-2006, 08:28 PM
I started feeling sick Sunday night and by Monday night it was going full-force: stuffed-up nose, plugged-up ears, headache, sore throat. Here it is Wednesday and I'm feeling a little better, but still pretty crappy.

I always lose my sense of taste when I get sick, so Thanksgiving dinner's going to be great fun if it doesn't return by tomorrow. :(

I also have a detail on a Bimmer 740 scheduled for Friday, but I may have to reschedule that if I'm still feeling crappy. I can't imagine pulling an 8 - 10 hour detail all the while coughing, blowing my nose and generally feeling run down.

That's all...sorry for the rant...I'm going back to the couch...
Oh, I am sorry! I hope you are feeling better by tomorrrow!! Make sure you keep taking mediactions consistently. Hey have you ever tried steam? One of those vapor things women use on their face? It really helps to unclog congestion and loosen things up.
Take care,

11-22-2006, 08:42 PM
Jack daniels by the gallons. Either you get recoverd, or you dont give a shmitt.....

Seriously. I drink hot milk with honey, and stay in bed. (my wife loves it when im sick) NOT

11-22-2006, 08:46 PM
Jack daniels by the gallons. Either you get recoverd, or you dont give a shmitt.....

Seriously. I drink hot milk with honey, and stay in bed. (my wife loves it when im sick) NOT
NOT!! You go the JD route, I can tell.
You are quite the comic!!:p

11-23-2006, 12:41 AM
Thanks for the sympathy, everyone!

Let's see....from what I've read, I've come up with my own possible remedy. How about a tablet of airborne dropped in a shot of Jack Daniels. Repeat as necessary. That should do the trick!

Actually I'm feeling a bit better now. Just can't breathe out of my nose. My wife was kind enough to pick up some breatheright strips which are helping. Hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow feeling better.

11-23-2006, 02:41 AM
I just ran through the same thing. I cut down all junk food (yes, no burgers or fries). Drink a lot of liquid.

11-23-2006, 09:01 AM
Thanks for the sympathy, everyone!

Let's see....from what I've read, I've come up with my own possible remedy. How about a tablet of airborne dropped in a shot of Jack Daniels. Repeat as necessary. That should do the trick!

Actually I'm feeling a bit better now. Just can't breathe out of my nose. My wife was kind enough to pick up some breatheright strips which are helping. Hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow feeling better.
Glad you are felling better. But you still need your rest. Take a few shots of JD tonight before you go to bed.

11-23-2006, 10:06 AM
I prefer Hennessy. Goes down so smooth.:p

11-23-2006, 05:33 PM
;) To each his own. I would have said vodka.

Tex Star Detail
11-28-2006, 08:45 PM
I rarely get colds. But when I do, they knock me on my rear end.

11-28-2006, 09:19 PM
I rarely get colds. But when I do, they knock me on my rear end.

I would suggest taking zinc daily. In our house, we have found it makes a tremendous difference in if or not anyone gets sick!!
:) Lauren

11-28-2006, 09:39 PM
How's the patient? Did you get to enjoy Thanksgiving even a wee bit? Doesn't just suck to be ill on a holiday?