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09-11-2010, 06:02 AM
Well, I had my knee surgery yesterday.

A little back ground...I grew up playing soccer and over the years I've injured myself several times. About 2 years ago (http://www.detailingbliss.com/forum/autolink.php?id=21&forumid=5&script=showthread) I tore a ligament in my ankle and decided to stop playing for awhile. This summer a few of my old soccer buddies asked if I could play for the summer season. So, of course I agreed. I played in 5 games and in the last game I tore my meniscus in my right knee. Same knee that I tore my PCL in about 6 years ago (http://www.detailingbliss.com/forum/autolink.php?id=21&forumid=5&script=showthread).

So I had my meniscus tear repaired yesterday and I'm currently laid up for a couple days. Hopefully should be walking without crutches in a day or two. Now I just have to see if my knee will be stable enough after this. If it isn't I'll have to go back and have my PCL repaired as well.

Anyway, I got my PC7424xp yesterday (early bday gift, bday is tomorrow). It's driving me nuts that I wont' be able to use it for a little while. Due to my surgery and due to I need to order the edge pads adapter for it. So, hopefully next weekend I'll be doing some practicing with it.

Sorry for the long post, but its 7am on a Saturday and i've been up since 5...bored out of my mind!http://www.detailingbliss.com/forum/images/smilies/shootingmyhead.gif

09-11-2010, 06:06 AM
I've got a small tear too. I'll be going in for some arthroscopic surgery in December.. Follow the doc's orders and you'll be fine.

09-11-2010, 06:10 AM
Yeah I'm not too concerned about it. This surgery was nothing compared to the sports hernia I had repaired when I was 16. That was the worst. After the surgery they gave me percs which I found out I was allergic to and made me throw up for hours. Which when you have your abs cut open does not feel well. I didn't leave my bed for 4 days.

This one is a walk in the park, just sucks being disabled for a few days!

09-11-2010, 07:29 AM
Mke sure to do your PT. :props: (my wife is a physical therapist and has a ton of stories about people not wanting to do the work then never heal correctly)

09-11-2010, 08:28 AM
had a full replacement 7 months ago. sure glad i did. physical therapy is key. ryan knows his stuff or rather his wife? top gear is returning soon with new episodes is that helps

09-11-2010, 08:34 AM
I had the same operation that you are scheduled to have. As stated by others, Physical Therapy is the key. Also, if you are able to do some leg and thigh strengthening exercises before your surgery it will help for a quicker recovery. Good Luck! JoeD

09-11-2010, 08:41 AM
I just had a cartilage transplant with a patella shift and meniscus repair. Had a big hole in my cartilage from a fall at work(bone on bone and knee locking). They actually cut my patella tendon and shifted my knee cap over a couple millameters. Then bolted it back to the bone. My god was the first 2 weeks painful.

My car has been sitting for a couple weeks now. It is awfully dusty!! Every time I see it and can't do anything about it I start twitching, LOL.

At least you can start your soon. I have another couple months before I can clean mine. Haven't even been able to drive yet, hopefully in another 3 weeks, You can only play so much Tiger Woods 2011 on PS3.

Larry A
09-11-2010, 12:00 PM
I had total knee replacement in two knees , one in November and the other in March , two years ago . Each time I had three weeks in a nursing home for therapy, and three weeks therapy out patient There is still some pain , but at least I car walk now.

09-11-2010, 12:58 PM
Mke sure to do your PT. :props: (my wife is a physical therapist and has a ton of stories about people not wanting to do the work then never heal correctly)

:xyxthumbs:Very important. I am a physical therapist and there is a big difference in outcomes with patients that follow thier programs and those who don't. Should do fine not a very tough rehab process. Wish you success!

09-11-2010, 12:58 PM
I had the same operation that you are scheduled to have. As stated by others, Physical Therapy is the key. Also, if you are able to do some leg and thigh strengthening exercises before your surgery it will help for a quicker recovery. Good Luck! JoeD

:props: The stronger in the better out!

09-11-2010, 01:11 PM
So far I have not required knee surgery (knock on wood). But after I had back surgery I knew that I would never be able to comfortably work on my cars again. So I bought a four post lift, and now I just raise and lower the car as required to be able to polish every surface. And now I can get to the undercairrage and exhaust pipes with ease.
And my neighbors thought I was crazy before they saw me washing and waxing the underside of the car!:buffing:

09-11-2010, 01:29 PM
Well I'm just hoping that my knee is stable enough that I don't have to get my PCL repaired. That is a longer recovery and from what my doctor says much more painful.

So, I'm knocking on wood that I won't have to get that done. It figures too that the past few weeks leading up to this I've been pretty slow for detailing work. Just today I got two new customer's looking for appointments. Thankfully both of them said that they will wait the 2-3 weeks for me to fully recover. Worse case I'll get my girlfriend out there washing them!

09-11-2010, 02:18 PM
SeaJay..I had a partial knee replacement at the end of January. I am still doing my PT and it still hurts somewhat, albeit a lot less. It's tons of fun (insert sarcasm here) being a human barometer!! My doc said expect a year until it's fully recovered. I have to learn to be patient...not a trait usually associated with me. Good luck with your knee. As you get older, it'll remind you over and over of your age...something to look forward to, LOL.

09-12-2010, 08:35 AM
I'm not a patient person at all. And I'm already trying to over do it. I'm still on crutches and still in a lot of pain. So, I'm thinking my recovery may take longer than expected.

We shall see.

09-12-2010, 04:37 PM
Hopefully you recover from it fully. I had my meniscus "repaired" back in 05' and it has never been the same. I can no longer run or walk for hours due to inflammation in the knee. Doc and the last P. therapist I saw (back related) both suspect arthritis have set in causing the knee pain. Probably due to the cartilage being torn all the way to the rim of the bone so I lost quit a bit of cushion.