View Full Version : need some help

09-10-2010, 12:21 AM
first off, photo evidence


None of my products seem to be working as well as they have in the past, I'm i the process of polishing/glazing/sealing my car and i am having issues removing these spots as you can see around the light reflections. Any idea? i want to believe fallout or rainwater spots.

i have all of the meguiar's mirror glaze line and a couple different wolfgang prods.

09-10-2010, 11:11 AM
What pads and polisher are you using?

A4 1.8tqm
09-10-2010, 12:07 PM
I think it looks like solvent popping, some may say it's the "sandblasting" effect from driving at highway speeds.

Solvent popping is little bubbles of air that are present in the clear layer of paint. These bubbles formed during the painting process from either:
1- Clear was applied too soon after the pigmented layer of paint.
2- Clear was applied too thick/too soon between coats.

Either way, polishing away the top layer of clear will reveal these little "divots". Generally they are present through the entire thickness of the clear and it is not advised to try to remove them as you run the risk of abrading away the whole layer of clear by the time they are removed.

09-10-2010, 07:51 PM
How old is vehicle, has it always been like this? Is vehicle exposed to weather all the time? I'd try a very small section by hand, some heavy compound, and see if you can touch it. It don't look like you can make it much worse.

Allen Anderson
09-10-2010, 07:54 PM
A4 How can you tell if you've got a bad clear coat application before these bad boys show up?

Is there even a way?

That's a bummer if that is what it is.

Paid for a nice paint job and don't know its not one till some time later.