View Full Version : solvent vs water based products...

Its A Wash
09-03-2010, 06:57 AM

So I have been working with a new brand of products and I am deciding what to add to my arsenal. On their website they sell solvent and water based levelers and compounds. I was just wondering if you could help explain to me what the difference is between these products and what can I expect from each one, eg what is the difference between a water-based heavy cut leveler and a solvent-based heavy cut compound? For that matter what is the difference between a leveler and a compound? This question also applies to tire dressings? I loathe silicone dressings and stay away from them at all costs so I typically use water-based dressings. With that being said what can I expect from a petroleum based tire dressing? Will it sling and brown tires like a silicone or is it more akin to water-based? Mike, as always thanks in advance...


Mike Phillips
09-03-2010, 07:04 AM
Probably the best place to start would be to ask the manufacture what they say about what the differences are and how that is a benefit to you or the process.

It's great to be interested in the chemistry behind products, I'm just as curios, but at the end of the day it's the performance of the products in real time that matters...

I guess start by contacting the manufacture and present your questions to them and then post back here what they say... its' always good netiquette to let them know you're sharing their replies on a open discussion forum.
