View Full Version : Do I have to clay again?

Maxima Mom
08-31-2010, 07:58 AM

We thought we had cleaned up the mess we made when the DA polisher was lifted while it was still running! Like Mike said...what a mess! When we pulled the car out into the sun the next day...there were tiny white dots everywhere! Do we reclay the car to get rid of them? Re wash? This is my first time posting a picture so I hope it worked!:doh:

08-31-2010, 08:17 AM

Fixed the image for ya. :)

As Mr. Phillips always advises - use the least aggressive method first. Wash first using your regular solution and mitt and if that doesn't work try claying. If they're just little droplets of dried polish I can't see why they would be difficult to remove. Don't forget to run your mitt through the washing machine after so the polish that you removed doesn't dry inside of it.

08-31-2010, 08:27 AM
That polisher really did get away from ya! :laughing:

From past "experience" I've always found that the spatter on unprotected surfaces is a PIA to completely remove. Sometimes I literally had to scrape them off with my fingernail or plastic razor blade. Try scrubbing them with a soapy solution and hot water. A small brush helps but it's a challenge to remove.

OH, have fun!! :laughing:

Maxima Mom
08-31-2010, 08:32 AM
Thank you to Stoneraizer for fixing the picture! I am not computer literate!

08-31-2010, 08:36 AM
IPA should fix it for ya

08-31-2010, 09:19 AM
:awman:For sure wash first, maybe an APC on the grill and trim, IPA is a good suggestion. Like was said before, least aggressive first and work your way up until it's gone. Small side note....If that ever happens again was it off while it's still wet you'll have better luck.:autowash:

08-31-2010, 10:43 AM
You could also try a toothbrush or QTip for getting into those small areas, or you could visit your local cosmetics department. There's gotta be some small brushes somewhere that can be used.

Explicit Shine
08-31-2010, 11:21 AM
When i get some splatter i like to use IPA spray and let soak for about 30 seconds or so then wipe of.
Also i like to use #34 Final inspection for this best thing to do though is always try and remove the splatter when it is still wet or as soon as possible.

08-31-2010, 11:32 AM
Try all of the fore mentioned suggestions (if you like), but if you aren't having any luck. Use some of the polish you were using when it splattered. Use the same polish to remove the polish splatters. You can use a foam applicator by hand for areas you can't reach with your polisher. Just be sure to re-seal/wax after which ever method you use...

Mike Phillips
08-31-2010, 12:02 PM
Thank you to Stoneraizer for fixing the picture! I am not computer literate!

I'm proud of you for getting it uploaded to the gallery.

Next is to learn to resize to about 800 pixels wide then you don't have to upload gargantuan size pictures.

Here's you're other one... when you upload a huge file our software automatically reduces it's "Display Size", not it's actual size and then in your gallery, if you click on a thumbnail it will bring up the resized size like this,


Now if you click on the picture your brought up from a thumbnail a second time it will show you the full size image and in you case that's 1600 pixels wide by 1062 pixels tall.

I'll try to make a video tutorial someday on how to work with pictures on discussion forums... once you see how easy tools like Easy Thumbnails (http://www.fookes.com/ezthumbs/) are to use resizing and inserting is easy....

Re wash?

As for your splatter problem, I would try washing the grill with lots of soapy water and a good brush. The spray water and soapy wash water will soften the splatter drops, the brush will agitate the splatter drops and most of them should wash off.

And remember... don't lift the buffing pad off the surface until you've first turned the polisher off and allowed the spinning pad to slow down.
