View Full Version : Wet sanding clearcoat

08-09-2010, 10:28 AM
2004 Hyundai Santa Fe...the wife's car. She got egged at one point last year. She never noticed it until I got in to drive about 2 days later. Got it cleaned up, but the damage was done. I buffed the hood heavily with M105 which of course did little to improve the little egg spots. I'm thinking I'll wet sand the clear and try again. Any suggestions?


08-09-2010, 11:05 AM
Can you take pictures of the damage? Odds are that the egg shell shattered the paint like this which will require a repaint as it is through the paint.



08-09-2010, 11:44 AM
I can, but the spots I'm concerned with are splatter on the hood which resulted from the egg hitting the driver's side mirror and A pillar. I'll get some photos this evening and post them to review.

Mike Phillips
08-11-2010, 04:47 PM
Sanding won't fix the problem.

What you have are "Imprint Chips", the impact of the shell against the paint has actually chipped out paint in a pattern that's associated with being egged.

The defects are below the surface, they are actually missing paint. What you need to do is add paint, not sand off paint.

I've fixed Imprint Chips one time in my live because the customer's car was important to me... (It was my 1969 CST Blazer), and it was time consuming and difficult using the method I used, that was applying touch-up paint, sanding the surface flat, removing my sanding marks by hand and with a rotary buffer.

The Dr. Color Chip system might fix this a lot easier and with a lot less work and risk...

Imprint Chips


08-11-2010, 05:06 PM
Looks like it's repaint time

08-11-2010, 07:37 PM
Sanding won't fix the problem.

What you have are "Imprint Chips", the impact of the shell against the paint


Ya, like I said...that doesn't look anything like what I have. The egg hit the driver's side mirror at a severe angle, sprayed onto the A pillar and then the egg contents splattered over the hood. I'll get a pic and post it.

08-12-2010, 12:08 PM
"Imprint Chips"

LOL "imprint chips"

A chip is a chip.