View Full Version : Problems with new pads

08-06-2010, 05:39 PM
So I got these new pads today ( see pics ) and fresh out of the box they are all warped in some way from being packaged improperly. There were entirely way too many pads stacked in a stack in too small of a bag. The worst of them is the black one shown in the pic. The softer pads, blue and black seemed to have compressed more and the firmer pads ( white and orange ) seemed to have been warped more (lost shape mostly, some thickness as well but not as bad as the softer pads). Is this something I can correct by emersing in water and letting them dry in hopes of regaining the thickness? Or is the cell foam structure destroyed as I am afraid and the pads need to be replaced? Sorry about the bad cell phone pics but I didnt see the point of busting out the SLR to demonstrate the issue.

08-06-2010, 05:57 PM
The pads that I have had that did that would recover if you just let them sit for while..several days. They never did take a permanent set.

08-06-2010, 08:12 PM
The pads that I have had that did that would recover if you just let them sit for while..several days. They never did take a permanent set.

I guess I'll wait it out this weekend and see what happens by monday. I was just so disapointed when I opened the package as I planned to do correcting and polishing this weekend. It will now have to be put on hold until next month when more free time rolls around. :(:(

08-06-2010, 08:56 PM
I do exactly what you suggested trying.
I wash all new pads as soon as I get them.
Fill a sink with warm water and a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
Squeeze the soapy water through the pads and rinse them several times in fresh water.
Then I just leave them on a towel overnight to dry.
In the morning they are dry, round, and even.

08-06-2010, 09:39 PM
I also had this problem like others mentioned all i did was wash the and ring out the excess water and left them too dry.They were fine after that.