View Full Version : Order of use

08-01-2010, 05:54 AM
After polishing, what would be the correct order of using these products?


Is this correct, some say you glaze after sealing?

Feed back please

08-01-2010, 06:24 AM
Is the glaze sealant compatible ???

Most the time if paint correcting (polishing) you dont really need a glaze. Sealants typically are used before wax products.

08-01-2010, 06:41 AM
Is the glaze sealant compatible ???

Most the time if paint correcting (polishing) you dont really need a glaze. Sealants typically are used before wax products.

To be honest I'm not sure, I was just curious about the order of application. I wasn't aware that some glazes aren't compatible.

I completely agree, if paint correction was done correctly a glaze isn't needed but if there are cases where it's needed to fill minor defects then can one be applied and then top coated with a sealant then wax? My understanding is that glaze products do not last long or stand up to the environment alone. I'm assuming that after a glaze is applied than it can be waxed without fear of removing it, it this correct?

What glazes that you know of can be top coated with a sealant?

08-01-2010, 07:01 AM
The two new Poorboys glazes (black and white versions) are said to be sealant compatible. Danase use to offer one before he closed shop that was said to be compatible with sealants.

Glazes often were used in show settings because they did some light masking (hiding light marks) and look extremely wet and pleasing. That said most did NOT have any protection and as such wore down quickly in any environment. Just enough for show day I suppose, and then with some sun or a rewash it was likely going going gone !

Pretty much every glaze appears to be compatible with a wax. It is likely the makeup and oils. I would not however suggest using an AIO or cleaner wax over a glaze as it would remove it. But a pure wax should/could be compatible.

I remember several years back all the rage was to use Megs #7 pure glaze under your pure paste wax because it was dripping wet. Now waxes certainly offer more wetness now, but it was said to have made a big difference.

08-01-2010, 07:41 AM
Thank you for the information!! :props:

08-01-2010, 09:21 AM
Scott, do you know if theres any truth to the PB black hole being a very similar chemical makeup to the danase?

08-01-2010, 11:27 AM
Scott, do you know if theres any truth to the PB black hole being a very similar chemical makeup to the danase?

I have used both and find both are more than acceptable choices. Likely some differences between them, but I would choose one or the other personally. I do like that the newer glazes are now sealant compatible. But if waxes and sealants get any wetter we may not even need glazes IMO.