View Full Version : Water spots showing on WGDGPS and Fuzion.....

07-21-2010, 08:12 AM
I recently detailed my SUV and did the following;

-wash with WG Auto bathe (two bucket system)
-Pinnicle Clay
-WG three step swirl remover (with an IPA wipedown in between)
-two layers of WGDGPS
-two layers of fuzion

*by the way the products worked great and the outcome exceeded my expectations!!!!

The other day I washed my car (again using WG auto bathe & two bucket system) and it was roughly 105 head index with around 80% humidity. I tried to keep the car as wet as possible prior to drying with a Cobra waffle weave and use some FK QD as I was drying.

After the wash in the right light noticed I have faint water spots that aren't leaving.

Any suggestions regarding the easiest way to get rid of them?

Feed back please

07-21-2010, 08:21 AM
wipe down again outside of direct heat. Likely the minerals in the water dried quickly due to environment and left the marks. I highly suggest investing in a canopy if your environment is always hot and in direct sunlight or perhaps the CrSpotless system.

07-21-2010, 08:58 AM
Any suggestions regarding the easiest way to get rid of them?

Try what killr said. Make sure the paint is cooled down a bit first as well. If that doesn't work try vinegar/water mix. If you get to them soon enough it works. Saved me a time or two.

07-21-2010, 09:20 AM
Wash before the sun comes up or while the sun is setting (or get a canopy). Direct sunlight is brutal. Even with great care it is too easy to get water spotting with that kind of heat.

I'm in Houston, so I feel your pain, ha ha.

07-21-2010, 09:24 AM
wipe down again outside of direct heat. Likely the minerals in the water dried quickly due to environment and left the marks. I highly suggest investing in a canopy if your environment is always hot and in direct sunlight or perhaps the CrSpotless system.

What type of product would be recommended for the wipe down? I tried the FK QD after noticing the spots and it didn't work or seem to make a difference.

I was shocked that the water spots ontop of the WG products still left spots, is that normal? I haven't used either product prior.


07-21-2010, 11:06 AM
when water (rain, wash, etc) burns off rather quickly due to heat, it can leave behind traces of the minerals in the water. I would likely rewash at this point outside of direct sunlight. You can indeed wipe down with white vinegar but likely should reapply wax/sealant as it will remove some of it. Harsh yes, but sometimes necessary.

07-21-2010, 12:59 PM
A QD should always be used as a drying aid in this situation. Before drying, the car should receive one final and thorough rinse, and then get dried off with a generous amount of QD and quality microfiber drying towels.

If the FK QD's cleaners aren't removing the water spots, perhaps you should try a QD with stronger cleaners. No clue how strong or weak FK QD is when it comes to cleaning.

Honestly though, I am surprised that your problem is with water spots on the paint...usually it's the glass that will get stuck-on water spots before the paint.

I suspect that it's possible the paint may have had these water spots for a long time and applying two coats of Fuzion have really highlighted them. I know my Subaru (since I got it) had some ingrained water spots on the hood and the roof, but I don't see them much until I am rocking Fuzion, then they are a bit more obvious because the wax is so shiny.