View Full Version : 1Z Paint Polish "Lack Politur" - no pics

11-10-2006, 10:51 PM

So I picked up some of this stuff to see what it can do until I can scrap together enough $ for a PC. I got it for $21 shipped from eBay.

The directions say to apply it with a terry cloth or foam applicator and wipe off after it hazes over. I used a NXT foam applicator and spread it across half of my trunk after claying to get rid of the EX-P x2 /NXT I had on there. It was about 44F outside, ~55F in the garage.

I cleaned my rims to let it haze over and then I went at it with a MF towel. Difficulty to buff/remove was very similar to Poorboys Pure Polish which I had used on the car two weeks ago in preparation for winter.

The results: It didn't really do much. I stood there comparing it to the other half of the trunk which had been polished with PB PP two weeks ago and I couldn't see any reduction in swirls/scratches. I know PP is a chemical polish with no abrasives and 1Z is abrasive with oil fillers so I was expecting at least the smaller swirls to dissappear.

If anyone thinks I did something wrong with the process (let it sit longer, apply it thicker) let me know.

11-10-2006, 11:00 PM
just wait till you get the PC. Fillers really wont do the job on swirls. You need a good polishing with something that has some abrasives .

11-11-2006, 07:25 AM
I have it, and I have not obtained very good works. I prefer to use menzerna.
PP is the interval of the range Einszett, but it has the power of cut very limited

11-11-2006, 08:34 AM
When using a polish by hand, you are gonna have to build some heat. I put the product on the leading edge of the applicator. I then pushed it back and forth with some pressure in the direction that the wind would flow over the car. Do not do a circular motion.....you'll be wasting your time.

11-11-2006, 08:53 AM
Einszett makes some great polishes, I used them for months between DACP and Menzerna. The polish you have is a medium grade (metallic polish is light, yellow can is super abrasive) and they all really need a machine like the PC or Rotary to really remove swirls.

If you are looking for a product for them that aint bad by hand, and rocks by machine look for Waxpolishsoft. The Glanz wax is also pretty durable and rich looking. I still use their original soap (not Perls) every so often, it has an odor absorbing agent and works well to keep the drain areas on car from getting musty smelling.

11-11-2006, 03:30 PM
Two important questions:
1.) You just spread it... and?
2.) WHY do you wait with the removal???

Polishes don't need to haze over. Only the protecting products have to haze to make the initial bond.

1Z PP deposits a very very light wax layer on the surface, but it comes naturally from the usual application. Listen to Justin and WORK with the polish! An abrasive product simply doesn't work if you just smear it around. It needs to be worked in - and depending on the actual defects, the necessary workout is usually tiresome and exhausting.

Please try to understand how a polish abrades the top surface layer away (yes, like a sandpaper), and what should you do manually. You'll immediately notice that your last question is more than inappropriate. You don't need a thicker application. Nono! It is not a product for protection, and even those products need just a whisper thin layer.
A polish does exactly what the user does with it. If you don't work it into the surface well, you won't get results. Plain simple. It is not the fault of the product, it is a user error. Try to use the PP as destined, and you'll see the finish clearing up (although it is fairly mild). IMO 1Z's polishes are one of the user-friendliest products around (by hand).

11-11-2006, 05:14 PM
Makes complete sense that I need to work it in, I'll give it another go and let you guys know how it does.