View Full Version : PC 7424XP - Fine swirls replaced with super fine swirls

07-17-2010, 07:10 PM
I am working on a red 2007 Mazdaspeed 3 that has been very well taken care of since I bought it new 3.5 years ago. However with any car that's daily driven, light swirls and paint imperfections are inevitable.

I just bought a PC 7424XP. Never used any kind of buffer in my life, watched the videos, read these forums and decided to try a small test spot on the front of my hood.

Since the imperfections were quite minor I decided to start off with a white css pad and PB SSR1. I followed the directions from the videos and what I read here the best I could and I dont feel as though I did anything wrong based on that. However what I observed in my paint afterward says otherwise.

The minor swirl marks and the water spots I had here and there are definitely gone, however, there are now really really super ultra fine swirls in its place. Technically, this makes sense since the white pad has a light cut and the SSR1 is a lightly abrasive polish. I thought some PB black hole, followed by some sealant should hide these marks. They did not.

So basically it looks sort of like a haze on the paint. Ive read that a haze could be caused by not using enough product on the pad, or working the polish too long that it basically dries up. I knew about this beforehand and I THINK I used enough polish...although I may be wrong. I've also never read or heard of anyone describing a haze as really really fine swirls, so I could have something different?

The paint that I didn't buff looks better than the paint that I buffed. These super fine swirls seem to take the depth out of the paint. So I'm kind of stuck on what to do here and didn't want to proceed and make things worse by trying to fix it, nor do I want my entire car looking like this. I tried taking pictures of these swirls but they just do not show up in photographs at all so its pointless.

If anyone can give me advice or tell me what I could possibly be doing wrong I'd appreciate it. Is it possible these super fine swirls are a necessary evil to get rid of bigger swirls? I highly doubt that since a huge portion of us are probably OCD when it comes to our paint jobs, but I just have to ask.

07-17-2010, 07:17 PM
I am no expert, but that could be micro marring? Did you work the polish until it was completely broken down. You may want to use a Red LC pad with some ultra-fine swirl remover... Keep your PC on 5. Don't put it on 6. For some reason, the pad does not spin on my PC even with light pressure when on 6.

07-17-2010, 07:32 PM
I just bought a PC 7424XP. Never used any kind of buffer in my life, watched the videos, read these forums and decided to try a small test spot on the front of my hood.

It says you joined in Apr 2007, You sure have a lot of self restraint. I just found AG about 2 weeks ago and just ordered a GG ROP and a bunch of products tonight, I am itching to put what I've learned here into my hands.
I have a few ideas for your problem but I'm going to leave the advice to the pro's (and see if what I'm thinking is along the right lines) so I can learn more, seems like I just can't get enough.

07-17-2010, 07:33 PM
It does indeed sound alot like micromarring. Often times after polishing you need to move to a lighter polish or lighter pad (or both) in order to finish down and remove lighter marks. Sounds like you are on your way.

07-17-2010, 09:07 PM
Definitely micromarring. You'll want to follow up, as Scott said, with a finishing polish/pad combination. I suggest PO85rd on a Lake Country Gray Flat Finishing pad, or on a Lake Country Crimson Hydrotech Pad. I like it on the crimson pad better because it's a wet polish and you'll get a long working time without your pad being gummed up with the Hydrotech pad.

A word of caution: PO85rd is great, but it does have a very slight learning curve. You really have to work it in. After you work it in completely the polish will be very very light colored (I can see the difference on my white paint, you might not be able to). Just make sure you work it in very well, and as you are finishing up lessen up the pressure and go over the area a few more times.

Menzerna Polish PO85RD, Mernzerna 85rd, Menzerna po85rd (http://www.autogeek.net/menzerna-final-finish-po85rd.html)
Lake Country Hydro-Tech 5.5 x 1.25 Inch Foam Pads, hydrotech foam buffing pads, dual action foam pads (http://autogeek.net/hydrotech-da-foam-pads.html)
Lake Country 5 1/2 x 7/8 inch Beveled Edge Foam Pads, buffing pads, Lake Country curved edge pads, polishing pads (http://autogeek.net/lake-country-beveled-edge-pads.html)

07-17-2010, 10:34 PM
Are you using 5.5 pads or 6.5 on your 7424xp ?

07-18-2010, 12:26 AM
It says you joined in Apr 2007, You sure have a lot of self restraint. I just found AG about 2 weeks ago and just ordered a GG ROP and a bunch of products tonight, I am itching to put what I've learned here into my hands.
I have a few ideas for your problem but I'm going to leave the advice to the pro's (and see if what I'm thinking is along the right lines) so I can learn more, seems like I just can't get enough.

Trust me I've spent way too much money on this site since 07 and I'm nowhere near done hahaha. Its not until now that I bought a PC because my car was new back then and didnt really need any work with something like that.

Definitely micromarring. You'll want to follow up, as Scott said, with a finishing polish/pad combination. I suggest PO85rd on a Lake Country Gray Flat Finishing pad, or on a Lake Country Crimson Hydrotech Pad. I like it on the crimson pad better because it's a wet polish and you'll get a long working time without your pad being gummed up with the Hydrotech pad.

A word of caution: PO85rd is great, but it does have a very slight learning curve. You really have to work it in. After you work it in completely the polish will be very very light colored (I can see the difference on my white paint, you might not be able to). Just make sure you work it in very well, and as you are finishing up lessen up the pressure and go over the area a few more times.

Menzerna Polish PO85RD, Mernzerna 85rd, Menzerna po85rd (http://www.autogeek.net/menzerna-final-finish-po85rd.html)
Lake Country Hydro-Tech 5.5 x 1.25 Inch Foam Pads, hydrotech foam buffing pads, dual action foam pads (http://autogeek.net/hydrotech-da-foam-pads.html)
Lake Country 5 1/2 x 7/8 inch Beveled Edge Foam Pads, buffing pads, Lake Country curved edge pads, polishing pads (http://autogeek.net/lake-country-beveled-edge-pads.html)

Thanks for the advice and I'll definitely consider the products you recommended. I wasn't aware when I purchased my supplies I would of needed something "finer" than SSR1 but now it's something I'll have to consider.

Are you using 5.5 pads or 6.5 on your 7424xp ?

I'm using 6.5" LC CSS pads, it was one of those choose your own pads deals.

07-18-2010, 05:05 AM
There are several possible reasons. The white pad / SSR1 is not the right combo. A finishing pad (black) may have been a better choice. With the right pad, a finishing polish like SSR1 should usually NOT need another step. It means the pad or technique needs to be improved.