View Full Version : preparing a ride fit for King's - interior detailing Guide

07-12-2010, 10:40 PM
Last year I had the opportunity to detail this church van, as prepared her to transport VIPs, but a year later....but the int…….but the interior need to be detail….. exterior still looks great ..thanks to the Transportation team

Car detailer: How to wax, & elegantly prepare your van for VIP guest (http://thedetailers.blogspot.com/2009/08/polishing-van.html)

Reason being heavily used for transportation & so huge to look after....

Due to the numerous posting, i have fequents call from many forumers..asking me how this & that.....
for those who happen to call me, i usually explain it in details
looking at the current condition & how to get it detail (DIY)...
as i have conducted many classes , hoping other may too empowered to do it themselves

How to clean, dress your car interior the professional way:-
or alternative you can spend some $$$ send it to others to clean it...one of my friends just send her Altis to clean her leather seats to Cxx Ixxxxxxxx cost her 350 just to clean the seats & she paid 650 to subscribe as the member.......
@#$%^^& ..if the car can talk he will tell you how it was treated..LOL

here is what you can used, to get the job done...remember the Merz S class filty interior, the Ferrari F 355, BMW M3 convertables, Camry - smoking driver damages...i used the following stuff to detail them

Tools required...
1. Brushes - get plenty various brushes.....ikea, diashio, 100 yen shops must be soft bristle
hard brushes for wheel brush for tyres only,
soft painting brushes for emblem rims (as it is clear coated) trims, interior
long brushes for wheel arch accesability,
soft hair brushes for leathers,
soft plastic bristle for fabric - seats & cushion, dash board, car seats,

tips....please do not use strength, check periodicaly of the cleaners, do not spray cleaners directly on any surface but brushes..to spread evenly rather than to agitate any surface...when the cleaning agent etched in(please please be extra gentle )

2. Cleaners
Meguiars APC - good but expensive
alternative Osren MPC - value for $$$
My preffered & iots is safe for clear coat too OPT POWER CLEAN

Leathers cleaner OSREN..... ( i do not recomend to ise All In One ....2 in 1 products) most
leathers cleaners & polisheer & conditioner has 90 % Cleaning & 10 % cleaning - so what do u want to clean or condition ???)
the professional only choose the individual cleaners & individual
conditioner... as by their experiences they know what work best

FAB Breeze ...ma ma mia products..good on fabrics (only)....please rinse off with damp cloths well
alternative...try to get hold of industry strength carpet cleaner such as...
Johnson diversified....Taski 1 ...excellant product...PH safe & 3:100 part of water dilutions
i even used it on interior & work very well on leathers too...

3. Micro fibers
I used different cloths for different parts of the car, (we do not use floor cloths on our face)
same thing over here too......
2 for drying the car
1 for washing
2 for polishing & compounding purposes
2 for interior
old microfibers - pls dont throw ...recycle reuse them.....wheels, rims, engine compartment,
lowest car skirt area....most dirty & greasy area

TIPS - washing the dirty micro fibers i used dynamo, fab is cheaper...most of the time i will spray
on with OSREN MPC
soak over night - best to scrub, do not use softerner on yr all yr micro fibers (as it will lubricate
yr fibers & not allowing it to absorb any dirt)

Micro fibers single strands is like our single strand of human hair but divided into 16 parts...each
parts acts as to hold & traps dirt

4, pails....at least 2 -3 of them....one for the seats rinsing, another for dirt...door jams, side panel
rinsings, my last bucket for dirty side step, pedals

5. STEAMers if u can....steam it up...less harsh as compare to the conventional cleaning...as it
uses water steams at 3 bar preassure to clean...alternative way to clean

6. dressing - Leathers Meguiars Aloe leather conditioners, Optimum leather protectant ...alternatively yr expensive lorenzo...cleaning kit...it is the same but very expensive indeed

7. plastic & vinyl - please do not apply tyre shines here....or else it will attract dust & transfers to your sleevs....i say u spend a little & a bottle of Meguiars gold class interior & will last u for years)

nope on sun of the gun la, wxxxx, Kxxx, Txxxx Wxx la...later you will not want their after effect dirt

lastly you have to prepare to get dirty inorder to clean, the way up is down

================================================== ===================

pic from a far

the famous pit stop lane


cleaning begins with OSREN MPC 10:1 dilutions

remember before

ta da


rinse away

ta da the left side panel


brushing the most abuse area...side steps...vinyl...OSREN MPC

ta da


interior - sliding door before

after MPC...& brushing http://lh3.ggpht.com/_RsduO4BD4FA/TDuawmI9seI/AAAAAAAAJ5E/rA9KEIadXFo/s800/P1080714.JPG

dash board before.... slimmy ...... slippery..most of all oily...suspecting from local consumer grade dash board dressing board ...aka tyre shine...long white sleeves would had some stains from it


TASKI 1 at work. brushing of gently..aggitate

wiping away rinsing with damp cloths

now a clean dash awaiting to apply dressing for protect..UV coated dash

onr spray on onr


now once again my Air force one is fit to transport overseas guest

my team members...thadeus on all vinyl parts

door jams & exterior cleaning - onr teams
Kenneth on ONR

sprayed on & wipe away...good QD...ONR does it again
Bro Phil wipe off

Phillip on all tyhe fabrics...seats..
Kok thye on all windows

my gratitude & thanks owing to my youth....without them 1 need to spend hours..but with them 45 minutes to get this huge things detail

i brought my youth out for tea

once again thanks for viewing....hope u find your way & approach...

07-12-2010, 10:50 PM
Very nice before and afters man.

07-13-2010, 02:44 PM
Awesome job..
Church van is now Immaculate.

07-13-2010, 05:40 PM
Great job on the van :xyxthumbs::dblthumb2: