View Full Version : Chemical Guys soap making towels bleed?

07-11-2010, 03:47 AM
Hi, I just got some new blue towels and a first jug of CG micro soap. I washed the towels in the old soap (micro restore) once before, and then the second wash was with the new CG soap, and the blue towels bled onto all the others. This has never happened to me before so I'm trying to figure out if it's the new soap, or the new towels that are at fault. Has anyone else had this happen with chemical guys soap?

BTW, The towels were recommended to me on another board as being good quality lint free towels and in that regard they did not disappoint. They're nice towels.

Oh, I don't mean to knock CG or anything. :props:

07-11-2010, 05:52 AM
**please remember no links to competitor sites/products**

Most towels should be washed first and alone to assure no bleeding or dye release. I believe the garment industry suggests a cup of vinegar to set color in too.

My Cobra (AG towels) have never bled out ....

Wax Gorilla
07-11-2010, 06:54 AM
This is why I love the CG wash - It is also the only one that removes wax 100% from Microfiber in a single wash !

07-11-2010, 08:42 AM
If you're talking about a dark blue microfiber, most sites recommend you wash them by themselves for the first few washes. Pakshak has a dark blue one and they suggest that..

07-11-2010, 08:45 PM
If you're talking about a dark blue microfiber, most sites recommend you wash them by themselves for the first few washes. Pakshak has a dark blue one and they suggest that..

Yeah dark blue.

I did as I said in my post. I washed them in micro restore the day I got them. Then I buffed off some KSG and washed them again in the new soap with some white towels that came out light blue.

Not a big deal but all my other towels (mostly Cobra) never did that. I was having some linting issues and these other ones were recommended to me on....... that other forum. :)

I'll try that vinegar trick though, thanks killrwheels.:props: