View Full Version : 2 part spray wax questions

07-06-2010, 04:00 PM
Part 1

Could/Would you say Meguiar's X-Press Liquid Wax and Meguiar's Ulimate Quick Wax the same product just packaged for different markets?

Looking for more of a maintenance type product and not a LSP(got paste wax for that). I have a bottle of the UQW but it's kind of pricey so I'm looking at something I can get in the gallon size.

Part 2
The above being said, how do these two compare to Duragloss Aquawax? I live maybe 15 miles from the Duragloss plant and I called and they said I could walk in and pick stuff up.

I'm leaning toward the X-press product simply because of it being at $18/gallon right now.


07-06-2010, 04:20 PM
Mike Phillips used to work for Meguiars and is probably a better person to pose this question. However, it seems like Meguiars X-Press Liquid wax is tailored for high volume detail shops, whereas the UQW is specicifically for the home consumer (and it also has some of the newer hyrophobic properties). I haven't used Aquawax, but have heard many good things about it on many forums.

07-06-2010, 05:30 PM
Other great spray products are from Four Star, Pinnacle, and Einszett too.