View Full Version : Just want to vent a bit

PAR Detailing
07-01-2010, 12:45 PM
Ok so here is the backstory, I have a small detail business and it is my main source of income now but it is a side job right now because I am in school still. I graduate in december but anyways since it is my main source of income now and I am going to be a teacher the pay stinks so I will rely on detailing to suppliment. I take every opportunity to get my name out there. I saw a sweet new camaro in a parking lot of autozone so I decided to leave my business car on the windshield. As I am the guy walks out and I dont see him because he is behind me and he yells in a really ticked off tone "Hey, What are you doing" So I turn around and politely tell him I was just leaving my card. He then tell me to take it off he doesnt want it.
I guess it just irritated me how much of a pompus (blankedy blank) he was. I really wanted to knock his two front teeth out just because he was a jerk for no reason. It wasnt like I was leaning on his car or touching it, all I did was place my card on the windshield.
I just had to vent a bit. Maybe I was more in the wrong than I think who knows but it just really irritated me


07-01-2010, 12:53 PM
This is always touchy...IMO. If someone where to leave a lawn business card or window install card on my window it would be put in the trash. Honestly even a detail card because I usually dont give business cards stuck on wipers or on my car any attention.

But on the flip side, it hurts to see someone treat you like that. Never cool when people dont consider taking proper care of their own large investment.

PAR Detailing
07-01-2010, 01:02 PM
This is always touchy...IMO. If someone where to leave a lawn business card or window install card on my window it would be put in the trash. Honestly even a detail card because I usually dont give business cards stuck on wipers or on my car any attention.

But on the flip side, it hurts to see someone treat you like that. Never cool when people dont consider taking proper care of their own large investment.

I understand that and honestly i am ok with someone just tossing it in the trash. I realize that is waht happens 97% of the time but I just want to try, its worth a shot. It isnt the fact that he didnt want my service or anything like that, that doesnt bother me it was just the way he talked to me that irritated me.

07-01-2010, 01:03 PM
Rough, but perfectly understandable. I'm paranoid about my car and can definitely see where the guy is coming from. Mine comes from the fact that Integras are primary theft targets which means that I keep it in my sights at all times and get paranoid if I see people near it.

I really don't like to leave cards on windshields because I don't like cards left on my own! If I see a car that I would REALLY like to detail, I will wait around and talk to the owner. More or less explain what you do first, then ask them if it would be possible for you to detail their vehicle. This is actually how we got to detail the school's president's CL55 AMG. A couple friends had gone into his office and offered to detail it on behalf of the motorsports club and his response was one of a thank goodness because he hadn't found anyplace to get it detailed.

If you are down on business, I would recommend placing ads places such as Craigslist etc.

07-01-2010, 01:30 PM
I agree, that was rather rude of him, but I do sympathize. There are too many jerks out there - I would get a bit freaked out as well if I saw somebody poking around my car. Still no reason to be a butt about it, but I see where he might be upset. Just sorry he had to be rude to you. Look at it this way, if he was going to act like that just because you put a card on his windshield, then I would say it is a safe bet to assume that he would be the type of guy who would be impossible to please. Probably a good thing he didn't turn out to be a potential customer. :xyxthumbs:

07-01-2010, 03:14 PM
It's tough to be talked rude to but look at things from the other side. You don't know what he might of been through with his car. Nicer cars tend to be dinged and damaged more than a p.o.s. does. I've noticed the nicer the car is the less other people care if they slam their door into it. This could also be the first time he has ever had a brand new car and took allot of work and saving to get the one he wanted. I like an idea I saw posted in another thread.
Keep a swirl finder on you and show people how thier car really looks.

07-01-2010, 03:40 PM
I would have apologized, and flattered him by discussing the car and how I too dont like cards left on my cars unless they offer something of real value. The real value you were offering is to keep his "cool" ride looking "better" than showroom new forever.

07-01-2010, 07:54 PM
Honestly I probably would have went off if I saw you putting something on my car. Its just a real touchy thing.

07-01-2010, 08:03 PM
Honestly I probably would have went off if I saw you putting something on my car. Its just a real touchy thing.

+1 Never a fan of anyone going near my car for any reason

07-01-2010, 08:09 PM
Some people are just aholes, to me i wouldnt of cared. I actually would of been happy to see somebody trying to excel in a hard time. I often dont like leaving business cards on vehicles after i seen a guy driving around with the UV coating from one stuck on his windshield from when it got wet and dried to it. Me even if that happened wouldnt be anything a razor blade wouldnt take care of, i guess im just a easy going person lol. Maybe next time give them out in person, like maybe take an extra 2 mins and wait for him to come out and say hey nice car and get to talking then give a card.

07-01-2010, 08:14 PM
Don't let it bother you :) It always sucks when somebody acts like that. If he was right behind you then he had been watching you for a moment and knew you weren't hurting his car.
If it was me it would have certainly bothered me that you were that near my Sky but at that point I would have known there was no immediate danger. A simple "Can I help you?" would have sufficed. We certainly can't assume anybody act like that though...
Forget about it. Since you didn't try to do something wrong you should not feel any stress or frustration. Easier said then done but certainly no more then 10 minutes of your life should be affected by such a thing. Lifes too short. :dblthumb2:

07-01-2010, 08:48 PM
Have you asked the local parts store if you can leave a few cards on the table at their register? Or, and this is one that I do now. Offer a small clinic on car care at the local parts store on a Saturday afternoon and have them (the parts store) advertise, you'll bring in curious car care patrons that after watching and looking at what you can do will more than likely hire you to complete the tasks they just learned. Of course this depends on your knowledge in the field. lol*

PAR Detailing
07-01-2010, 10:40 PM
Some people are just aholes, to me i wouldnt of cared. I actually would of been happy to see somebody trying to excel in a hard time. I often dont like leaving business cards on vehicles after i seen a guy driving around with the UV coating from one stuck on his windshield from when it got wet and dried to it. Me even if that happened wouldnt be anything a razor blade wouldnt take care of, i guess im just a easy going person lol. Maybe next time give them out in person, like maybe take an extra 2 mins and wait for him to come out and say hey nice car and get to talking then give a card.

Im with you, to me a car is nothing more than a hunk of metal regardless of the price tag, owner, or amount of time spent polishing. It is not worth being a jerk to anyone for any reason. I realize that some dont share my same viewpoint on this subject and I guess I respect that since I am not in their shoes and dont know what their life is like. I just keep going back to the bible verse "what is it for a man to gain the whole world yet lose his soul" I just have a hard time seeing how a vehicle or anything in this world gives anyone the right to talk to anyone in that tone. In that same breath I should also turn the tables to me and forgive the guy because afterall everyone is allowed to have a bad day and maybe his was just really bad.

AND lesson learned, just wait to talk to the guy that way I avoid getting anyones panties in a wad :xyxthumbs:


PAR Detailing
07-01-2010, 10:41 PM
Have you asked the local parts store if you can leave a few cards on the table at their register? Or, and this is one that I do now. Offer a small clinic on car care at the local parts store on a Saturday afternoon and have them (the parts store) advertise, you'll bring in curious car care patrons that after watching and looking at what you can do will more than likely hire you to complete the tasks they just learned. Of course this depends on your knowledge in the field. lol*

Thats a really good idea! I might have to steal that one from you, thanks for the idea