View Full Version : Glare with Glassplexan

06-30-2010, 01:57 PM
Hi Mike, I read about this product and wonder if you have had any experiance with it. I have my own opinions on it but would enjoy any other. The idea of turning a clear coat into a glass hard product sounds great,but!

I have some chemical background, in that I was a refinery operator for over 20 years,and have a machinist background too. I.E. oil and other chemicals can soak into metals etc.,but turning a clarcoat into a glasshard flexable product seem a bit far!? What do you know and think about it.

I am not knocking the product,per sey,but it may not be any better than any other polish/sealant, and that is what I am curious about. Thanks, MPC

06-30-2010, 04:21 PM
Ive used the product and a similar one from CG and found them to really be like most sealants. I didnt see more durability or better protection. You might wanna look into Optimums coating product called Opt-coat but warning it can only currently be sold at professional detailer level.

Mike Phillips
06-30-2010, 05:16 PM
The idea of turning a clear coat into a glass hard product sounds great,but!

I have not used this product.

I've read about it in the past and over the last years seen a few threads here and there about it, you could always do a Google search and check out what is said on other forums.

Since we don't carry it, it's probably better to contact the manufacture of see if they have a forum and ask them your questions directly. Most reputable companies will answer questions through some type of touch point be it a forum, a phone or e-mail.
