View Full Version : Flitz vs mother

11-04-2006, 08:18 PM
Just got the FLITZ polishing & Buffing ball and Mother Power Ball in the mail today, went to a place nearby to wash my car, so i could try these two polishing balls in my garage later.

Just got out of my garage now after testing.

Just got one thing to say.... Mother power ball is the best.....by a mile....

I used the Flitz first, and after the first wheel, i had orange dust all over my newly washed car. maybe i used it to fast, and maybe this will be reduced after some use, but that was never a problem regarding the Mother PB. Mother PB didnt splash the polish all over the place, FLITZ did. and the FLITZ was getting stuck in my rims sometimes

The Mother PB made it easy to apply the polish (nxt gen tech wax)
It didnt get "stuck" in the wheels
it fits nice in tight spots
it removed most of the grit that i couldnt remove by washing. Probably removes the rest by using the MG #85.

So, I definitely gona get me more of those balls from Mother....

11-05-2006, 12:09 AM
Mother Power Ball is a great tool!

11-05-2006, 09:33 AM
If you got the original Mothers Powerball, just wait till you try the mini. I have not used my Flitz since the first time I got it also. Washed up well , but nowhere near as easy to use.

11-05-2006, 06:41 PM
So, tell us what metal polish you used, please.