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GK Auto Spa
06-08-2010, 01:22 PM
What solution you guys use to wash your micro fiber towels? ...& where?(you home washer/dryer or the local laundromat)

06-08-2010, 02:23 PM
I use the Pinnacle Micro-Restore with my home washing machine. Thinking of switching over to the DP microfiber detergent since it's a little cheaper.

06-08-2010, 02:26 PM
I, along with many others, have found no need for specific MF detergents or cleaners. Here's what I use and it works wonderfully.

Use liquid detergent. Use 1/2 what is recommended for the size load. Wash in hot water. During rinse cycle, add 1 cup white distilled vinegar. Dry on low to reduce static buildup.


06-08-2010, 02:29 PM
I use the DP and wash them at home, just by themselves and I also wash the drying M/f's separate. If I'm out doing a car at a friends I will take along a 5 gallon bucket, fill it with water and an ounce of DP and toss my dirty M/F's in the bucket as I go along. Throw a lid on it when done and haul them home.

06-08-2010, 02:29 PM
I use the DP detergent in my home washing machine. I wash on delicate cycle with warm water. I then wring out any excess water after the wash cycle and let them hang dry on my wife's laundry rack. No dryer for me.

06-08-2010, 02:40 PM
+1 on the Vinegar technique. Works great! Gets even older MFs feeling how they should again.

If nothing else, give it a shot before dishing out the money for MF specific detergent

A4 1.8tqm
06-08-2010, 02:45 PM
I also use DP MF cleaner, and vinegar in the rinse if I feel it's necessary.

06-08-2010, 03:10 PM
I can't use vinegar..........the smell of it sickens me.

06-08-2010, 03:22 PM
OK question guys, I have a High Efficiency front loading washer ( The kind that cuts your hand off if you try and open it during the entire wash ). No, Just kidding, but it does lock the door because it's a front washer. I can't add vinegar during a wash.

Does anyone know if it's ok to use Pinnacle-Micro restore or DP detergent in a High Efficiency machine?
From what I've gathered HE just means less water....much appreciated!

A4 1.8tqm
06-08-2010, 03:45 PM
OK question guys, I have a High Efficiency front loading washer ( The kind that cuts your hand off if you try and open it during the entire wash ). No, Just kidding, but it does lock the door because it's a front washer. I can't add vinegar during a wash.

Can't you set the wash cycle to not do the extra rinse, at end of cycle add the vinegar, then set the extra rinse?

Does anyone know if it's ok to use Pinnacle-Micro restore or DP detergent in a High Efficiency machine?
From what I've gathered HE just means less water....much appreciated!

Also means less agitation, giving the reason for the HE specific (low foaming) detergents that have to rinse clean easily. I think they are pretty similar to MF detergents so you should be fine, but I'm not a HE washer technician, so take that as you will.

06-08-2010, 05:32 PM
Also means less agitation, giving the reason for the HE specific (low foaming) detergents that have to rinse clean easily. I think they are pretty similar to MF detergents so you should be fine, but I'm not a HE washer technician, so take that as you will.

I'm not a washer tech either but it is a softer agitation, which means longer material life for what your washing. and I can tell you first hand a front loaded does better at cleaning then the top loaders. "In my own experience"

The low foam soap is needed because you use less water and due to the clothes flopping around you will create more bubbles. The DP seems to foam low but I would say proceed with caution. as far as the vinegar you might be able to add it to the softener dispenser in the machine.
"disclaimer" not sure what this would do to the machine.

~ used to work at Home depot, my department was next to appliances and once a month someone would come in who added normal soap to a front loaded. I overheard some good stories ~

06-08-2010, 06:11 PM
Hmm..thanks for the info guys! Don't mean to thread hijack..

06-08-2010, 06:24 PM
Whats the vinigar do?

Old Tiger
06-08-2010, 06:42 PM
OK question guys, I have a High Efficiency front loading washer ( The kind that cuts your hand off if you try and open it during the entire wash ). No, Just kidding, but it does lock the door because it's a front washer. I can't add vinegar during a wash.

Does anyone know if it's ok to use Pinnacle-Micro restore or DP detergent in a High Efficiency machine?
From what I've gathered HE just means less water....much appreciated!
Mrs. Old Tiger has an HE machine. I use Pinnacle MFR. I add white vinegar where the fabric softener is normally poured. Works great. I always double rinse. Only add 1 oz of PMFR. I use a quart Pro Blend to dispense.

06-08-2010, 07:57 PM
I do the same as Old Tiger. Soap in the soap dispenser, vinegar in the fabric softener dispenser and use a 2nd rinse. The vinegar goes in on the first rinse cycle to get all the detergent, wax, polish etc. out of the towels. And the second rinse is to make sure everything doesn't smell like vinegar.

The vinegar will also clean your washing machine... Feel the inside drum before and after the first time you do it. It's stripped of all film and squeeky clean.