View Full Version : Mercedes Benz TEX interior matainance

06-01-2010, 07:51 AM
I have Mercedes TEX interior [ tan color], this is the first car I`ve had without leather in so long I don`t remember when. Anyway what is the best cleaner/protector I can use. It`s like new [4000miles] so I want to stay ahead and keep it like new.

06-01-2010, 12:46 PM
If you are looking to protect it from any future damage (assuming you are referring to TEXtile (cloth) interior), give all the fabric a thorough vacuum as you have not had it long enough to really get them dirty and use a fabric protectant such as 303 Fabric Guard. This will essentially waterproof the fabric portion of the interior and prevent any stains or dirt from even touching the fabric fibers and will help you keep them like new. I would apply two layers of it as that will give you the best coverage and will keep the interior spill and dirt resistant for 6 months at least.

06-01-2010, 01:40 PM
I guess I didn`t explain. I have [2009] tex vinyl seats that Mercedes has been making for decades. I never knew that they made a TEX fabric interior

Mike Phillips
06-01-2010, 02:55 PM
MB Tex is Mercedes-Benz terminology for vinyl, as far as I remember.

I wrote the label copy for the Mercedes-Benz line of product manufactured for them by Meguiar's and had to ask a chemist what MB Tex was so I could better write the label copy.

Treat the surface like you would treat vinyl, here's some options...

Wolfgang Vinyl & Rubber Protectant (http://www.autogeek.net/wg2700.html)
Pinnacle Vinyl & Rubber Protectant (http://www.autogeek.net/pinvinrubpro.html)
303 Aerospace Protectant (http://www.autogeek.net/303aerprot.html)
RaggTopp Vinyl Protectant (http://www.autogeek.net/rafaca.html)
Griot's Garage Vinyl & Rubber Dressing (http://www.autogeek.net/griots-vinyl-rubber-dressing.html)
Mothers Protectant for Rubber, Vinyl & Plastic (http://www.autogeek.net/mo5324.html)
Meguiars #40 Vinyl & Rubber Cleaner/Conditioner (http://www.autogeek.net/meg40vinrubc.html)
Liquid Glass Connoisseur's Choice Protectant (http://www.autogeek.net/conchoicprot.html)

If you have questions, call our Tech Line at 1-800-869-3011 and they can help you choose the right product for your car's needs.


04-07-2011, 11:05 AM
Reviving an old post and thread. Would you know who makes the car care products rebranded by Mercdes these days? I want to clean and care for the interior and want to make sure I am using the right products. I have the MB-Tex interior so I think it would be a mute point to use the Connolly leather care. 303, Griots or 1Z (which looks similar to bottle that Mercdes sells)? Thanks for the advice.