View Full Version : Dirty Porsche Wheels

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SA Detailer
11-03-2006, 12:02 AM
Lady called yesterday and her car hasn't been washed in months. Got there this mornring, the car was in average dirty condition but the wheels were in sad shape. Sprayed them them down with SimpleGreen, let them soak for a few minutes while setting up. Washed car, then washed wheels last. Power washed, wash them with sponge and left them pretty clean.

She was shocked, claiming the car never has looked so clean. LADY, IT JUST NEEDED TO BE WASHED!!!

In & out in under 30 min, $75 in my pocket and I was gone to the next appointment.



11-03-2006, 12:38 AM
Holy snap,simple green did a sweet job of some messy wheels. How come people complain that simple green is a hazard to use when it works so good. There are other products out there that are far more dangerous..i would be carefull around aluminum as i have seen it leave some nasty streaking..you did fine job on those wheels.

11-03-2006, 01:01 AM
75.00 for 30 min. Sweet! You will never get that in my area.

11-03-2006, 02:42 AM
German cars dust like crazy. In three days (daily driver) it will be covered with dust again.

11-03-2006, 07:53 AM
They look awesome!!!! Nice money for such quick work! I hope you're able to go out this weekend and have a few beers with friends and enjoy the spoils of your labor! :)

11-03-2006, 08:22 AM
Since they were coated ... I would have hit them with a little water, soaked them liberally with some Poorboys Spray/Rinse, and two minutes later washed them off. Your hands and sponge would have never touched them. Amazing wheel cleaner when used correctly.

11-03-2006, 12:08 PM
Wow, that is one bang-up job! Did you hack up your hands trying to clean them on the inside??? Those massive rotors look nasty sharp...

11-03-2006, 12:19 PM
Wonderful job ..................

11-03-2006, 01:53 PM
Nice work, easy money!

11-03-2006, 03:20 PM
good work. throw some DP wheel glaze on there next time. might help you have a repeat customer! :)

Tex Star Detail
11-03-2006, 04:44 PM
Do you just wash, or wash and vac? Windows too?

It takes me an hour and a half to do a wash and vac..
Wash, Rims, Tires, vac, wipe down inside, windows, tire dressing. (not in that particular order)

You use DI water right? No drying?

11-03-2006, 06:02 PM
tex i think you need to get a better technique or something, thats a long time when your in a business setting, no offense meant at all, just seems like a long time for that? although if this was like a boxster S and your talking about a work truck or something, its different.

anyways the wheel glaze is some good stuff as mentioned, makes them come clean usually with just some water on my bmw. but yea simple green poses a risk, much like a rotary. it can be used safely and do a pretty damn good job but if you wanna be on the safe side( like with a PC) then i would get omething else like...p21s... havent used it but i plan on ordering some of that or DP gel

11-03-2006, 06:18 PM
Simple Green makes a few different formulas now...they have a automotive version now that is suppose to be safe on all parts....it has a lower butyl content..he may use that


Tex Star Detail
11-03-2006, 06:34 PM
tex i think you need to get a better technique or something, thats a long time when your in a business setting, no offense meant at all, just seems like a long time for that? although if this was like a boxster S and your talking about a work truck or something, its different.

anyways the wheel glaze is some good stuff as mentioned, makes them come clean usually with just some water on my bmw. but yea simple green poses a risk, much like a rotary. it can be used safely and do a pretty damn good job but if you wanna be on the safe side( like with a PC) then i would get omething else like...p21s... havent used it but i plan on ordering some of that or DP gel

I guess I just try to make them look as good as possible. I wipe down the door jambs, all around the doors. Vac everything. Wipe down everything. I do not strive to get all stains and dirt on plastic, just the big stuff. I have a problem with returning cars that still look dirty. I try to upsell an interior detail for interiors that will not benifit a wipedown. As far as the exterior goes, I am on it. Spray out the wells really good hand clean the rims....etc... I pend a bit of time vac'ing. Some people are hogs.

I am also by myself. 2007 is a new year, and I am making a few changes....

11-03-2006, 08:17 PM
i half expected that you spend a bit of time vac'ing. reason is i have personally not found a very strong portable vacuum! the one we use at our car wash is a massive system with a lot of pressure so it makes the job easier and faster. people are slobs though, and like i was trying to say this porsche was definately small where you were probably thinking of a nasty, bigger car you may have recently done, or what you come in contact with as the average customer. i know its hard to give away a car thats not done, but if theyre not willing to pay to get something done, im not willing to do the necessary work, even though it badly needs it. best way around this is a "test spot" thats obvious to the eye so they can either have you do it and make the whole car look like that one spot, or have to look at it everyday.