View Full Version : Backing plate G110v2

Vette 03
05-20-2010, 03:28 PM
:help:While using my 2 month old machine on a fender of my son's car, the rubber from the backing plateBecame DETACHED from the steel at the center of the BACKING PLATE !!! Anyone else have this problem !!!! I HAD BEEN USING THE UNIT ON AND OFF FOR ABOUT 1 HOUR AND DID NOT THINK ANYTHING LIKE THIS WOULD EVER HAPPEN!! CAN OR WILL SOMEONE PLEASE HELP WITH MY ISSUE???:surrender:

05-20-2010, 03:59 PM
Call AG customer service. They should be able to help you out.

Vette 03
05-20-2010, 04:05 PM

Matt S.
05-20-2010, 04:33 PM
Calm down. We'll get you taken care of regardless of how busy everyone is. Backing plates do break once in awhile, but not often...luckily it's covered under warranty and we always take care of our customers, so no worries.

I can be reached at 1-800-869-3011 x213, or call Dwayne at x212 and we will send you a new backing plate. OR just PM me your order number and I'll send one out free of charge.

Mike Phillips
05-20-2010, 04:37 PM
Hi Vette 03,

Even though you might see me logged into the forum sometimes I'm working on another project at my desk or in this case, out in the Studio as we have a video shoot tomorrow.

I did get your Private Message and it looks like Matt is going to take care of you.

It's all good...


Mike Phillips
05-20-2010, 04:39 PM
Also, turn your CAPS key off, anytime you post in all capital letters it makes it look like you're YELLING!

No big deal that's just how it comes across and most people know you're not yelling, it's just good Forum Netiquette to type how you would in a letter.


Vette 03
05-21-2010, 10:19 AM
Mike I apologize about the caps key issue didn't know ettiquite regarding the Issue , Some what new to forum usage! Thanks for the return post regarding this issue I have with the backing plate! Is it true that they are now in the process of retooling the connection of the steel to the rubber backing plate, if this is so ,how would I go about getting one of those when it does come out for consumer use? Thanks for your help , one other thing did I do something wrong with my unit to cause this to happen or something I need to correct , How come now that the rubber plate is off the unit, does my machine run in reverse!!!!

Mike Phillips
05-21-2010, 01:30 PM
Mike I apologize about the caps key issue didn't know etiquette regarding the Issue , Some what new to forum usage!

I kind of figured you might be new to forums and don't worry, new members often times start typing in all capital letters, then hopefully some kind forum member lets them no it's not necessary and it looks like you're yelling.

Thanks for the return post regarding this issue I have with the backing plate!

Autogeek has top notch customer service.

Is it true that they are now in the process of retooling the connection of the steel to the rubber backing plate, if this is so ,how would I go about getting one of those when it does come out for consumer use?

If there's a legit problem they I'm confident they will be making corrections.

Thanks for your help , one other thing did I do something wrong with my unit to cause this to happen or something I need to correct , How come now that the rubber plate is off the unit, does my machine run in reverse!!!!

Never run the tool in the air, often times people new to machine polishing will turn their polisher on in the air and the next thing they'll do is post to a forum they think their polisher is broke because it's running louder and vibrating more and that's because they are holding it in the "air" and running the tool.

Operate the tool with a backing plate and pad attached and don't turn the tool on until the face of the foam pad is against the finish.

Have you seen our videos on how to use this tool?

Or read our articles?

Mike Phillips
05-21-2010, 01:32 PM
I cover in detail how to use the PC in this DVD,

PC = Same thing as Meguair's and Griot's polishers.

Mike Phillips' Principles of Machine Polishing (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/new-car-care-products/24852-autogeek-show-car-garage-video.html)


And this article which I originally wrote in 2004,

Tips and Techniques for using the PC 7424XP Dual Action Polisher to remove Below Surface Defects (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/expert-tips/20021-tips-techniques-using-porter-cable-7424xp.html)

And have confidence that you will be successful, this guy attended one of our classes where we teach everything in the DVD and look what he did...

(From my list of articles under Misc)

Proof You Can Do It! - Joe The Detailer - Black Porsche Turned into Black Pearl! (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/show-n-shine/25226-proof-you-can-do-joe-detailer-black-porsche-turned-into-black-pearl.html)
Proof the Average Guy can get Professional Results their first time Machine Polishing (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101/25198-proof-average-guy-can-get-professional-results-their-first-time-machine-polishing.html)

And be sure to watch this video, this shows you everything you need to use a DA Polisher effectively

Show Car Garage Video: How-To do a "Section Pass" when Machine Polishing with a DA Polisher (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-videos/24074-video-how-do-section-pass-when-machine-buffing.html)


tuscarora dave
05-21-2010, 01:46 PM
Mine did the same thing on the second car I used it on. I didn't bother anyone with the issue as I could clearly see( after looking at the design of the backing plate) that it would just fail again in a short period of time. The next best thing to do was to get a LC backing plate for it as it is a much better design.

This G110V2 is a nice machine but as far as I am concerned having this backing plate on it, it is not a ready to use tool even for the driveway detailer. Meguiars should rethink the design of this backing plate especially with 2 other competing polishers on the market.

This problem IMO is slightly less than an annoyance with a very simple cure. I suggest to anyone buying this polisher to also order a good backing plate and toss the black rubber one in the garbage.