View Full Version : Windsheild products?

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10-31-2006, 02:15 PM
O.K this past weekend the wife dragged me..........uh I mean "invited" me to Lynchburg,VA to visit her best friend. Well Friday night had absolutely horrible driving conditions. Plus we found out the hard way the Fusion wiper system SUCKS @##, it's was way to slow to help out our vision during heavy down pours. Needless to say after slightly hitting 2 deer’s (stupidest animal ever) barely being able to see 30 feet in front of us I NEED something to help bead/sheet water away and fast. We're thinking RainX and or AIO, so who has used either or something else that worked great (something without oils). Any help is very much appreciated.

10-31-2006, 02:23 PM
I know this might sound crazy, not sure of the logic but I keep my windshield clean with DP glass cleaner and the water always sheets off the window!

10-31-2006, 02:50 PM
AIO, I did my windows back in April and it still beads water right off today (rained today). I've used RainX before and didn't care for it.

10-31-2006, 03:02 PM
I have used RainX and I personally do not like it on my windshield but don't really mind it on my other windows. Just received some AIO and I am gonna try that. I am gonna put it on today as see how it works. Chance of rain Thurs. I think. I will let you know how I like it.

10-31-2006, 03:36 PM
I know this might sound crazy, not sure of the logic but I keep my windshield clean with DP glass cleaner and the water always sheets off the window!


10-31-2006, 03:37 PM
I have used RainX and I personally do not like it on my windshield but don't really mind it on my other windows. Just received some AIO and I am gonna try that. I am gonna put it on today as see how it works. Chance of rain Thurs. I think. I will let you know how I like it.
Make sure get us some good feedback on this. I'm kinda interested myself!

10-31-2006, 05:38 PM
O.K this past weekend the wife dragged me..........uh I mean "invited" me to Lynchburg,VA to visit her best friend. Well Friday night had absolutely horrible driving conditions. Plus we found out the hard way the Fusion wiper system SUCKS @##, it's was way to slow to help out our vision during heavy down pours. Needless to say after slightly hitting 2 deer’s (stupidest animal ever) barely being able to see 30 feet in front of us I NEED something to help bead/sheet water away and fast. We're thinking RainX and or AIO, so who has used either or something else that worked great (something without oils). Any help is very much appreciated.

I had success with Klasse AIO. Rain X leaves an oily film, which attracts dust like crazy.
As for deers, something I want to have the same kind of horn that firefighting trucks have. You can really scare the hell out of those deers.

10-31-2006, 06:09 PM
PPG Aquapel is probally the best windshield treatment you will get...it comes in a one time applicator...1 Use...it will last 6 months...rain just rolls off big time...this is a dedicated windshield product..and tops in performance....

Most Law Enforcement vehicles have this applied....

The cost is about 6.50 to 7.50....but worth it...I use it and during the rain I hardly need the wipers...

this would be a nice item for AG to have...it works 100% better than rainx...and keeps clear visibility at night...no haze or streaks....


10-31-2006, 06:26 PM
PPG Aquapel is probally the best windshield treatment you will get...it comes in a one time applicator...1 Use...it will last 6 months...rain just rolls off big time...this is a dedicated windshield product..and tops in performance....

Most Law Enforcement vehicles have this applied....

The cost is about 6.50 to 7.50....but worth it...I use it and during the rain I hardly need the wipers...

this would be a nice item for AG to have...it works 100% better than rainx...and keeps clear visibility at night...no haze or streaks....

ALWould it work over AIO?

10-31-2006, 06:30 PM
Several Japanese companies sell and endorse a product called Glaco. Made by Soft99, it is a rain repellant for glass.


I find a clean car washed weekly with new blades installed annually is all thats needed.

10-31-2006, 07:51 PM

10-31-2006, 10:13 PM
PPG Aquapel is probally the best windshield treatment you will get...it comes in a one time applicator...1 Use...it will last 6 months...rain just rolls off big time...this is a dedicated windshield product..and tops in performance....

Most Law Enforcement vehicles have this applied....

The cost is about 6.50 to 7.50....but worth it...I use it and during the rain I hardly need the wipers...

this would be a nice item for AG to have...it works 100% better than rainx...and keeps clear visibility at night...no haze or streaks....


Cool Al,

I am glad to hear you like this, as I am thinking about trying it as well. I also put this on the items Autogeek should sell...:D

10-31-2006, 11:41 PM
I'll try AIO since we already have it but the PPG Aquapel sounds like a good product. If AIO doesn't work I'll give PPG AP a go around, Thanks folks......

10-31-2006, 11:44 PM
Several Japanese companies sell and endorse a product called Glaco. Made by Soft99, it is a rain repellant for glass.


I find a clean car washed weekly with new blades installed annually is all thats needed.This car is brand new the wipers are/were just to slow to keep up with the amount of rain dropped on us. It made driving very dangerous to us and those around us. I would not want my wife to go though what I had to go through.

11-01-2006, 12:01 AM
wytstang, take it back to the Ford place, might be something wrong with it. Check out a car on the lot and see if it dose the same thing.

I bought a new Honda Accord back in November of 97, spring roll around in 98 and it took it about 30 min for the AC to start cooling. Called the dealership, they told me that the color of my car was the problem (dark green). I went up there and got in one just like mine, took about a min for air started cooling. I got it fix then!