View Full Version : Paint damage question

05-17-2010, 10:53 AM
Hello, detailing newbie checking in.
Just repaired a nasty nasty scratch and am pretty satisfied with the result. Problem - got a strange spot just under the scratch that looks like paint damage due to wetsanding. I used 2000 grit, and I honestly have no clue how I got it - it's well below the scratch I was sanding.
Pics are below.
I had to zoom in to get it in the picture, it's really tiny, about nail sized.
Two questions:
-What could I possible do wrong with my wetsanding to cause this? This is my first car and I'm a really DIY guy, and not afraid to make mistakes... as long as I learn what I did wrong for the future :]
-What are my options in fixing this spot? Thankfully it's an inconspicious area, but I'd love to get it done anyways. One guess I got is that this is just clearcoat sanded through... maybe?

Thanks in advance

You can see the darker spot in the top left.
I circled the scratch on top and the darker patch on the bottom. Sorry for Paint quality.

05-18-2010, 03:02 AM
Throw in a light at the side of the problem area so we can better see it.

What did you use to polish out the sanding marks?

05-18-2010, 07:58 AM
Unfortunately it's as good as I could get it. The spot is *tiny*, so I zoomed as much as I could. If you look at top image it's pretty clear, but I am guessing it won't be very clear if your monitor isn't set too bright.

Like I mentioned, I saw it appear right after I wet-sanded my scratch with 2k grit. The scratch is not on the spot, but above it... so that's why I am not even sure what I did wrong.

I used factory paint + clear coat
2k grit
turtle wax rubbing compound

05-18-2010, 09:32 PM
Okay. Did you also sand below the scratch? Were you using a rotary and a wool pad to remove the sanding marks? Could you also have hit that area? Cause if you did, that would in essence be removing some oxidation on that area and would show the true condition of the paint below it once the oxidized clear has been removed.

I just can't think of anything that could cause this. But the dark spot also looks like someone painted it with a different shade of red, and by polishing made it more noticeable.

Maybe more info would help. I know you painted the scratch, sanded and compounded. How about the dark spot, you didn't do anything to the area before it appeared?

05-18-2010, 10:50 PM
I swear I saw these same pictures a week or so ago on another forum. I honestly don't see any spots but since you wet sanded the area you could have went through the clear. Also it may just need polished out yet to finish the job.

05-18-2010, 11:04 PM
I've done this before when first learning to wet sand. If you used a sanding block, you did not keep it level and applied to much pressure causing the strike through. Nothing you can do, but maybe find a shop that does air brushing to blend in the paint.

05-19-2010, 07:13 AM
I've done this before when first learning to wet sand. If you used a sanding block, you did not keep it level and applied to much pressure causing the strike through. Nothing you can do, but maybe find a shop that does air brushing to blend in the paint.

You are probably right. As a newbie, I hoped to avoid something like this by using higher grit than recommended, soaked it for a full night, and I guess I still over did it. Oh well, you live you learn. Will try 2500 next time and keep it more even.
As a side question, I am about to leave town for a bit. Is there any danger in leaving it like this? Any risk of rust?

I swear I saw these same pictures a week or so ago on another forum. I honestly don't see any spots but since you wet sanded the area you could have went through the clear. Also it may just need polished out yet to finish the job.
I did post them on one other forum and got no answers - the spot being so obscure doesn't help, of course. Maybe I'll make the photo brighter next time I'm near a comp with Photoshop.

Okay. Did you also sand below the scratch? Were you using a rotary and a wool pad to remove the sanding marks? Could you also have hit that area? Cause if you did, that would in essence be removing some oxidation on that area and would show the true condition of the paint below it once the oxidized clear has been removed.

I just can't think of anything that could cause this. But the dark spot also looks like someone painted it with a different shade of red, and by polishing made it more noticeable.

Maybe more info would help. I know you painted the scratch, sanded and compounded. How about the dark spot, you didn't do anything to the area before it appeared?

I did not use a rotary. And either way, the spot appeared right after I sanded and before anything else....

And no, the spot that became dark after sanding was exactly the same as the rest of my car , but yeah I agree it does look like slightly different shade.

Thanks for all the answers!