View Full Version : I ruined a Blue LC pad, warning!

A4 1.8tqm
05-15-2010, 03:17 PM
I used a flat blue LC pad to apply Glass Science Rain Clear to a friends car, I gave the pad a quick rinse but being lazy I didn't finish cleaning the product out of the pad. It was weird that even though the Rain Clear Gel is clear, it turned brown on the pad after applying. When I went to clean the pad, each spot that had product on it, tore away leaving a divot in the foam. I don't expect AG to replace the pad, as it was my fault. I just want to warn everyone about leaving Rain Clear on a foam pad. If anyone has any other pad/product warnings please post them as well.

Here is what the pad looks like now-

05-15-2010, 03:43 PM
wow, that's crazy! It just ate the pad up?

05-15-2010, 04:15 PM
Thats wild

05-15-2010, 04:24 PM
Chemical reaction to the foam. Similar to super glue on sterafoam.

Cut the pad into blocks and use it to apply dressing on trims (like Black Wow). Nothing goes to waste.

Stittville Ed
05-15-2010, 05:25 PM
Sorry about the pad.
How do you like the Glass Science ???????????????????

A4 1.8tqm
05-16-2010, 07:13 AM
wow, that's crazy! It just ate the pad up?

Chemical reaction to the foam. Similar to super glue on sterafoam.

It was strange that the foam didn't look like it was "eaten up" at all. Then as soon as I touched it, it just rubbed off a layer.

Cut the pad into blocks and use it to apply dressing on trims (like Black Wow). Nothing goes to waste.

yeah I agree. Either that or use the pad on glass only, or for other "random tasks". :xyxthumbs:

Sorry about the pad.
How do you like the Glass Science ???????????????????

Well I think I've noticed a little marring from the Glass science Glass scrub, I'll have to test that one but it does get rid of the worst water spots. I'm not sure about the Rain clear Gel, I did a 50/50 with it and original rain-X on a different friends rear windshield, not sure how it's holding up...

05-16-2010, 10:36 AM
Wonder if that's how they make the CCS pads :bolt:

05-16-2010, 04:38 PM
Wonder if that's how they make the CCS pads :bolt:
