View Full Version : Nintendo Wii (We)

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10-29-2006, 09:37 AM
Went to a local GameStop store last night and learned about this amazing new system. After being told that the new PS3 was going to retail for 600.00 (then cleared the vomit that came up), I asked about the Wii. All the guys that worked there are going to get it instead of the PlayStation 3. I asked.........."Why?". Main reason.....You will be able to download ALL of the NES and SNES games as well as Sega Genesis and TurboGrafix16 games via wireless internet! My wife had to slap me back into reallity. No more "blowing" into my old NES cartridges. No more dizzy spells from doing it. And the best part.....250.00 bucks!!! It also play all GameCube games.

Here's some pics.......



Yes this is a new version of the SNES dog-bone controller and the new Light Gun!!!

10-29-2006, 09:41 AM
My son (13) is hoping we will get him this new system.

10-29-2006, 09:54 AM
My son (13) is hoping we will get him this new system.

I'm hoping more than my son that I get it!!!!


He has a 360 that I have played 10 times more than him. Benefits of getting home daily before him......haha!

10-29-2006, 10:28 AM
dont forget the controls with the gyroscope in them :D

I cant wait to wave the controller around like a sword in starwars! ^^

10-29-2006, 10:33 AM
Nintendo banked on retro before ... and it backfired. Microsoft and Playstation are going to be the two leaders again based upon sales and new technology. While I admit my 360 is gathering dust since Need for Speed (next week NFS Carbon comes out) was out, but PS3 having a blue-ray dvd player and game machine for several hundred less than the current machines (blue-ray) is where my $$ are going. I cannot however find a preorder that guaranteed so wife might need to sleep in the Target Parking lot.

10-29-2006, 10:49 AM
Nintendo banked on retro before ... and it backfired. Microsoft and Playstation are going to be the two leaders again based upon sales and new technology. While I admit my 360 is gathering dust since Need for Speed (next week NFS Carbon comes out) was out, but PS3 having a blue-ray dvd player and game machine for several hundred less than the current machines (blue-ray) is where my $$ are going. I cannot however find a preorder that guaranteed so wife might need to sleep in the Target Parking lot.

I agree with you killr. I'll just have to wait till the price comes down. I just get p'ed off at Sony not making enough of them. It's going to take some time for the masses to want Blu-Ray too. Nintendo recorded huge sales for the DS due to the new Mario game (2D). People love it. Simple and easy. I see toploading NES's going for 100.00+ on ebay. To me, the Wii is just a gaming system. No frills needed or expected. Even if PS3 sells 3 times more consoles.......Nintendo will still net more....not gross more.

10-29-2006, 11:14 AM
Nobody makes money on the platform ... loss leaders. What they make big $$ on is games. Nobody can knock Sony from King of the Mountain position as they buy developers as easy as they buy rights to games. Thus Sony will make more money long run ... just remember Nintendo almost got out of the hardware business after Gamecube (like Sega did) ...it is only their handhelds that keep them from becoming a gaming manufacturer only. I suspect after this round, Nintendo might do a Sega and allow all platforms to enjoy their games. Really its a smarter move financially ...

As for blu-ray ... Sony did this purposely. It is a very close competitor to Hd-DVD and one has to go the way of Beta. (remember the best looking didnt win) By adding an installer base of several million in the first year, they have thrown in the first weapon on this fight.

As for the limited demand ... well this worked extremely well for Microsoft on both machines. I stood in line for the original ... cursed that I would NEVER EVER do that again. Got to last holiday season, and had the wife scouting Targets each morning for 360's on her daily walk. (we have one literally down the street) . Price point didnt make a difference, I wanted the "best" unit. And kids not knowing the value of a dollar, and parents wanting the "gift of the season", they will sell every unit and demand will exceed supply until next year. Hell, I cannot get an Elmo TMX for less than 100.00 on a toy selling for 39.99 MSRP currently.

Seperate note .... I have a brand new, never opened TurboDuo and Gamecube in the closet. Highest bidder ... just joking ... but they should be collectors items now right ?? I literally have had ever machine since the first Sega console. (pre Genesis) I remember paying 600.00 in the 80's for 3DO. Remember that one ??

10-29-2006, 11:43 AM
I'll get PS3 but really only for the Gran Turismo games, Resident Evil etc. That's the only reason I have PS1 and 2 lol. But the Wii looks pretty cool if you can download games. I found my old NES packaged up in a closet, at least 40 or 50 games. When I went to connect it I found the main powercord had somehow seperated, like it was cut from the wires. I would get the Wii just to play those old games.

Good friend of mine has a theatre room with a huge projector screen, playing games on that is sick!!! I need to do that lol.

10-29-2006, 09:09 PM
I'm hoping more than my son that I get it!!!!


He has a 360 that I have played 10 times more than him. Benefits of getting home daily before him......haha!

hehehehehhehe It's good to be the king, eh Justin? :p

11-19-2006, 05:17 PM

Justin, thought you might like this ... just caught it !


or this one !

11-19-2006, 05:29 PM
Lord that was FUNNY!

"I'm cheap!" vs. "I'm well rounded!"


Thanks, Scott I needed that! BTW, I'm getting mine tomorrow.....the Wii that is.

11-19-2006, 05:40 PM
I can't believe all the people literally camping out in tents for days and days prior to releases. Damn I like games and all, but you won't see me pitching a tent outside Best Buy. They had a thing on the news last night down here where this dude paid off the guy 1st in line $$$$$ to take his spot, then he's still going to have to buy the system and everything lol. Best part was I guess he had to work or whatever so he made his girlfriend stay there to hold his spot lol :D

11-19-2006, 07:24 PM
I was outside for a ps3 for 3days (tue 10:30pm - thursday at midnight) at circuit city #80 in line, then sold it on ebay to get a wii and still kept money haha.

and the funny part I made more money doing nothing then I did at work ( im only a part time college student)

11-19-2006, 07:27 PM
I was outside for a ps3 for 3days (tue 10:30pm - thursday at midnight) at circuit city #80 in line, then sold it on ebay to get a wii and still kept money haha.

and the funny part I made more money doing nothing then I did at work ( im only a part time college student)

Now THAT is a valid point! Smart too......sold it for a Wii!

How do you like yours????

11-19-2006, 08:32 PM
Question on the Wii....I keep seeing pictures of people holding the controllers, there's like a remote control looking one in one hand and then a joystick pad thing in the other, are you supposed to play a game with both controllers in hand lol? Also how the hell do you pronouce it, like Why, or Wee, or just W-i-i lol?

I wouldn't mind picking it up to play the old games especially. Pry still pick up PS3 just for the racing games and the Resident Evil line which should be sick on it. It's cool that it has Blue-Ray at an affordable price (think Sony is actually losing around $300 per unit if I recall).