View Full Version : ? about wax after sealant cures...i did search :)

05-04-2010, 07:38 PM
i searched threads back to 06, and didn't really find a clear answer....i have read that you need to let a sealant cure before applying wax...i understand this part, and that you put it on, wipe off, and leave it alone in a dry area...even if i could park in my living room, my car would still be really dusty in 12-24 hours...i have read that you can use water/alcohol to wipe the car down before the next step...i also read that this is not a good idea, and can remove whatever you just put down....i would also assume that it's not good to just do this step if there is a lot of dust on the car...would it be appropriate to wash again? or wipe down with a quick detailer? i just wouldn't want to introduce new scratches of swirls, when the point is to get rid of them before the final wax...maybe i'm overthinking it.....i have read the how to articles, watched the videos, and read the directions for different products...this is the only part that i feel unclear on....thanks in advance for the help :)
edit...if i were to cover the car to keep the dust off, would it breath enough to cure?

05-04-2010, 07:45 PM
Wait for it to cure, then use a QD the next day to get any dust off. As long as it stayed in the garage, you are fine to QD.

05-04-2010, 08:54 PM
I wouldn't use IPA after the sealant cures and before applying your wax, it'll just remove the cured sealant. As long as the sealant has fully cured, then you can either wash it or use a QD. I would go for washing, i only use a QD to maintain the applied wax.

The first time i tried UPP, when i visited the car the next morning, the dust caked on the finish and felt like sand paper..lol. So covering it is a great idea.

05-04-2010, 08:56 PM
why not simply do a quick rewash between sealed sealant (no pun, meaning its cured) and adding a wax topper.

05-04-2010, 10:02 PM
Wait for it to cure, then use a QD the next day to get any dust off. As long as it stayed in the garage, you are fine to QD.

Thats what I do. Preferably a QD that is part of the same system as the Sealant you are using.

Certainly No IPA

05-04-2010, 10:13 PM
Just use the sheeting method with those hose for these types of situations after the sealant has cured. After blot the car dry with a ww microfiber.