View Full Version : Austintacious Wax Review

04-29-2010, 05:25 PM
Placeholder! :xyxthumbs:Im the MAN

Mike Phillips
04-29-2010, 06:14 PM


Come on... give us some information and pictures!

Im the MAN Im the MAN Im the MAN Im the MAN Im the MAN

04-29-2010, 06:17 PM
LOL... Good advertising. It better be good. :D :D

04-29-2010, 06:23 PM
maybe he's composing in Word, and then transfering it over ??

04-29-2010, 06:38 PM
Sorry to keep everyone waiting, I was in the middle of waxing! :D

Ok so I decided that while the DP Poli Coat was holding up well (only been about two weeks, I think?) it can use a little help. Just having used my Supernatural I was expecting these two wax to be about the same, but boy was I wrong. Unlike SN this wax came out like butter, and it was much easier to apply THIN, and I mean thin. This wax was by far the easiest wax to spread I've ever used. Imagine a more buttery Fuzion. Removal was a breeze, but there was one or two spots I noticed I missed when I pulled the car out and they were a bit fussy. The look it gave is like Supernatural, but just a bit more understated. By that I mean the reflections weren't as crisp, but it still have an amazing deep wet look.

-Amazing on
-Easy off (if not allowed to dry)
-Great look
-Decently priced for a high end wax
-Extremely Exclusive (only 539 made)
-A little goes a very long way

-SMALL tub means little product and harder to take out evenly
-Stains microfiber (assuming after wash stains should come out)
-Stains applicator (won't even bother washing it normal wax is a pain itself)

All in all I'm very happy with the outcome, and the purchase of this wax. If you're looking for a high end wax, but not wanting to spend $100+ don't look any further. I'll keep you all updated with the durability. Did I mention it smells delicious too?

Pictures (I don't have any before's I didn't know I was gonna wax it till I finished washing, sorry)

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sjc1/hs261.snc3/27721_1324791884652_1376521284_31507916_5967149_n. jpg
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs311.ash1/27721_1324791964654_1376521284_31507918_6404935_n. jpg
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sjc1/hs281.snc3/27721_1324792004655_1376521284_31507919_3383719_n. jpg

04-30-2010, 11:53 AM
All Dodo Wax smell good enough to eat! Thanks for the review I have not tried that wax yet!!!!

04-30-2010, 12:03 PM
Do it! Its awesome.

04-30-2010, 01:23 PM
Thanks for the review.

How would you compare the results against Fuzion?

04-30-2010, 01:44 PM
I just applied some DODO DoubleWax on my car and I love love love it.

04-30-2010, 02:36 PM
I'm really liking these DoDo Waxes. Next on the list is Juiced Edition!

04-30-2010, 02:37 PM
Thanks for the review.

How would you compare the results against Fuzion?
Compared to Fuzion I'd say Fuzion does give a crisper look, and it is a bit wetter. I feel it does this because Fuzion is a hybrid (sealant/carnauba paste wax). You can honestly not go wrong with either, but with the refill Fuzion is the better value, believe it or not. Here is a few pictures of the same car with a coat of Fuzion.

http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs169.snc3/19665_1282969319114_1376521284_31351653_46843_n.jp g
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sjc1/hs189.snc3/19665_1282969359115_1376521284_31351654_3422918_n. jpg
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sjc1/hs189.snc3/19665_1282969399116_1376521284_31351655_4045746_n. jpg

Pros of Fuzion
-Easy on
-Easy off
-Amazing reflections
-Pretty good durability

-Expensive initial cost, but after refill its a good value
-Cheaper looking tub

I have nothing bad to say about the performance of Fuzion lol.

Mike Phillips
04-30-2010, 04:15 PM
I just counted our inventory of Austintacious... 13 jars on the shelf...


You snooze... you lose...


04-30-2010, 04:58 PM
Interesting. Those should not last long.

04-30-2010, 04:58 PM
Thanks for the input.
Fuzion is better value, huh? Mmm, i guess it's the upfront cost which is intimidating, huh.
I was able to get the Fuzion mini on BOGO last time, and I was just thinking of another good wax to use aside from Fuzion.
Unfortunately, I missed out on the Pinnacle 20% off a few days ago.
I actually tried to place my order April 28, in the morning, but it wouldn't let me avail of the coupon code, even though the banner on the pinnacle website says the sale is still on.
Oh well, maybe Autogeek will have a Signature Series on BOGO next time? :dblthumb2: