View Full Version : The thruth about Leather conditionner on non-true-leather seat?

04-28-2010, 08:22 PM
Here's the situation. My father own an upholstery shop and he told me I should NEVER use LEXOL on non 100% leather furniture. Instead I should use 303 protector ( In my mind, 303 was only for plastic and rubber not fake leather).

Anyways, he's the boss so I did put 303 on some leatherette and found it way too slick.

From all what he learn from experience and furniture rep. He said that:

1) new synthetic leather use laminate ( fake leather and fabric) and a leather conditioner contains acid that can delaminate and greatly damage the material. it's okay to use lexol cleaner, but an APC would be cheaper to use.

2) On Leatherette, I could use lexol conditioner but again, 303 would be a better option.

3) On real leather, you should ONLY use leather product.

What is your thought expert?? I'm about to do 3 leather details ( tiburon,murano,celica). I don't want to damage anything.

04-28-2010, 08:50 PM
leather comes coated (finished) and uncoated. You treat each differently . Uncoated leather needs more care and a product like Connollys Leather Care/Hide Food. Uncoated acts more like vinyl and thus can use several protectants mostly for UV protection.