View Full Version : Cobra MF Problems

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10-23-2006, 02:51 PM
I bought three 6 packs of cobra multi mfs, green, yellow, and blue, not to long ago and after just one wash I noticed that they are starting to come a part, not horribly, but just the edges near the stiches. Has anyone else had this problem. Sorry no pics, I'll try to get one up later today. I also noticed this on the cobra mf pads, green and orange ones. I washed them with micro restore with hot water and hang dried them.

10-23-2006, 02:56 PM
I had some issues with my mangos kinda coming apart (more like leaving some bits of towel behind) when I wipe the top of my dash, and other areas.....
I dont really use them much anymore.... but I never had an issue with the Miracles or Ultra Plushes coming apart....

10-23-2006, 03:00 PM
I bought three 6 packs of cobra multi mfs, green, yellow, and blue, not to long ago and after just one wash I noticed that they are starting to come a part, not horribly, but just the edges near the stiches. Has anyone else had this problem. Sorry no pics, I'll try to get one up later today. I also noticed this on the cobra mf pads, green and orange ones. I washed them with micro restore with hot water and hang dried them.
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10-23-2006, 04:14 PM
No problem with mine so far.