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04-09-2010, 04:38 AM
How do u know u are ready to start a car detalling business?

04-09-2010, 07:08 AM
In the process of starting my own detailing business myself. Currently building a business plan, designing my logo and just generally working on branding and image. It is kind of exciting but it is doing my head in! lol

PAR Detailing
04-09-2010, 08:41 AM
When customers are willing to pay for your services

That is a simple answer to your question but probably the most important factor in starting a business.

What kind of business are you looking to start? Will it be a small side job or a full time gig? (jason&Adam)

Either way I feel the most important part to having some success is to have a passion for what you are doing and emote that to the customer. This doesnt mean you have to give out 70hr details for pennies but rather give your all to whatever services they are paying you to do.

Best of luck to both of you,

04-09-2010, 10:14 AM
If you are trying to just start detailing a couple cars a month on the side as a hobby, then you are ready as long as you know what you are capable of. If you are only capable of washing and waxing, then find people who are interested in that. If you have the tools and skill to polish out swirls and paint defects, then advertise that. You are ready when you know what you are doing and you have the tools of the trade.

Now, as far as starting a full blown business I would say you are ready as soon as you are willing to commit to it. There is a lot of money that goes into starting a real business. There are attorneys who need to be paid for contract preparation, trademarks, business fillings, etc. There are accountants that need to be hired. There is graphic design in setting up all your papers, cards, signs, etc. There is bonding, licensing, and insurance you need to have. I wouldn't even think about hitting it as a real business unless you have AT LEAST $10K available. Anything less and you will just be a hobbiest detailer. Not that there is anything wrong with that. There are a lot of hobbiest detailers on this and other forums. But you asked, so I answered. :)

04-09-2010, 12:00 PM

Starting a detailing business is expensive, you have to get all the legal stuff done which is going to run you at least $1000 and then you have equipment costs which will run at least $5000 providing you want to use decent chemicals and tools. You also have to account for time, anyone you want to hire, insurance, taxes on the money you make, transportation costs, utilities bills, rent on a shop or payments on your truck if you are mobile. I'd say to start out I spent a total 12k, it took about 3 months to even it out, but now it is a great investment. It probably won't be a business that makes you rich however, detailing is dependent on too many factors; weather, economy, other people's schedules, etc.

If you hit gold and get the right contracts though, it can be very rewarding, and you can make money doing something you like.

04-10-2010, 09:37 AM
I'm starting up a mobile business only doing weekend work at this stage. As a result I don't have a massive financial outlay. I will stay at my full time job until I feel confident I can get enough work. I'm still working on my business plan at the moment and also branding.

I'm hoping in 6 months I'll be in a position to go full time.

04-10-2010, 03:35 PM
I think it took about 10 grand for me as well.....that's me doing all of the work on my trailer myself..and prettymuch researching everything that I didn't know about....legal stuff. Etc. All in all it took about a year and a half from committing to it to finished business.. and of coarse I am still adding to it and changing things that are not working.

All of this was just the business end....I was an experenced detailer before I started my company.

Good luck!

04-10-2010, 09:50 PM
Mine is more of a Hobby business at the moment. I'll be starting as a wash & wax guy while I develop my paint correction skills as I have much to learn. My wife will take care of all the paperwork and legal jargon! Im the MAN